সমললৈ যাওক

আভাস কাব্য/Opinions

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা

[ ৯৯ ]
শ্ৰীযুত হিতেশ্বৰ বৰবৰুৱাৰ
কমতাপুৰ ধ্বংস কাব্য
বিৰহিনী-বিলাপ কাব্য
(একে লগে বন্ধা)
দাম—পকাবন্ধা ১॥৹
দাম কেঁচাবন্ধা ১৵৹

 "It is an excellent book and I have not the slightest doubt , that this beautiful production of your literary efforts will enrich our literature. I have read some of the poems, and I find the to be very very sweet, indeed. You have dedicated the poems of the second portion of your book to lovelorn ones. They will feel, 1 doubt not, that you have struck the right chord in their hearts when they read them. May I hope that you will bring out some more books, so that our language may be indebted to you all the more. * * *

 I ---- &
   Bar-at-Law, B. A. C. Princial.
    Earl Law College, GAUHATI.

[ ১০০ ]

“I have no hesitation in saying that your language is a new departure in Assamese Blank Verses and I fully approve of your style. * * * The Modern Assamese Literature is very poor in Kavyas, and I am really glad to see that you have turned your attention to that department. Wishing you will success in your literary life.

   Yours sincerely,

  Sd. H. C. GOSSAIN.
 Formerly, personal Assistant to the
Commr. A. V. D., and now,
   E. A. C. Nowgong.


In your “Komotapur Dhvansa Kabya’’ you have met with some amount of success. And for that, I congratulate you heartily. You have give sufficient proof of your easy flow,

   Yours sincerely

  Sd. P. GOHAIN M. A.
  (Formerly professor, Cotton
    (College, Gauhati).

[ ১০১ ]

 “Even the casual readler can not fail to be impressed with your flow and originality. These the two elements which distinguish poetry from verse.”

Your sincerely,


(E. A. C. Dhubri)


 “The books have been highly appreciated by the pupil. Personally I am highly pleased that you. have succeeded in a great measure in enriching our poor Mother tongue.”

Yours sincerely,


(Supdlt. Training School. Jorhat.)


I am really much pleased with the book and admire you for you literary ability. The book is nicely got up and replete with poetical ideas.

Yours truly,


(Head Clerk, Sudder Court, Jorhat)
[ ১০২ ]

 "Every chapter is prepared by appropriate quotations from English Poets. We greatly appreciate the book for its language, which is decidedly Assamese, its metical construction and beautiful style. Such publications are, no doubt, an invaluable addition to the literature of the country.”

Times of Assam, 20th March 1913.
[ ১০৩ ]

তিৰুতাৰ আত্মদান বা জয়মতী কাব্য।

“So impressed I am with its fluent liction, enovating moral tone, and excellent delineation of the historical and ever memorable incident of Godadhor's Queen, that I have written to the Educational Authority at Shillong for appointing your this Kavya as a far better text book for Normal school pupils * * * * I do not know, if they will acept our sugges- tion, but I have done my duty by pointing out- the bast book this field. Your this book with shed brilliant lustre in the Assamese Liiterature and secure for you imperishable fame fore ever.”

Yours sincerely,


(Supdt. Training school, Jorhat)


“* * * The subject is a most interesting one and the history of Ranee Joymotee is a national asset, which I donbt not, you have dealt in your poem ereditably.”

Yous sincerely,


( Asstt. Inspector of Schools,

A. V. Circle), Jorhat. [ ১০৪ ]


 “I have read the books with interest and admire you thought and diction which testify to a successful combination of depth of thought and easy flow. Your books really mark a new departure in Blank Verse in the Assamese Language , which is still not well of in the matter of Kabyas, I hope and trust these ex- celent productions of your will tend to enrich Our literature. I wish. You all succes in your literary efforts.” Yours sincerely, Sd. KAMALA K. BARUAH. Personal Asstt. to the Diretor of public Instruction. Assam.


 “* * * * Your book, to speak the least of it. occupies a higher pedestal among literatures of like nature,⸺embodies , as it does, the noblest of all themes and delieated as it is, by a ripe nan like you, in a language at once lucid and a style unconstrained. lt will find a ready resonse in all “Satis” hearts and make them realise where in lies the excellence of their virtue, I have gone throngh it several times, and each snecession followed by a greater sensa- tion than before. I wish you all success and doubt not, that the book will be largely read by both sexes with equal interest." Sincerely yours,

Sd. B. N. PATANGIA. (B. A) [ ১০৫ ]

 "* * * * * Words indeed fail to express my sense of deep gratitude to you for your generosity in presenting me with your valuable and epoch-making works ‘Tolsara Foolar Duti’ and ‘Tirutar Atmadan Kabya’ —choice flowers culled from the Eden Garden of poetry, * * * * I hope and trust, your second venture will be accorded as warm a reception by the public, as the first has been . * * * The English Quotations with which they are replete are really apt and happy. One can not but be struck with the ease, the flow, the spoontanaity at the lyrical beauty at your poetical pieces.”

Yours Sincerely,


 “Tirutar Atmadan” * * The title of the book means ‘A Woman's Self Sacrifice’ and describes the life of an Assamese satte in tlhe person of Joymotee Kuori, the Queen of the well known Rajah Godadhor Singh of Assam. We can not sufficiently praise the author, who by the other works, has well established his claim as a talented Assamese Writer, for bringing into light the names of the heroes and heroines of the country from the womb of obscurity by such publications as the one under notice. * * * The book should be read by every educated woman of the country.

Times of Assam—7th March 1914.
[ ১০৬ ]
মালিতা। (যন্ত্রস্থ)। দাম—।০
(ঐতিহাসিক উপন্যাস)

 আহোম-কছাৰীৰ যুদ্ধৰ এটি শোকজনক দৃশ্য।
ডেচ্‌দিমোনা কাব্য।  (যন্ত্রস্থ)  দাম ।০
 মহাকবি চেক্ষপীৰৰ কবি-প্রতিভা সাহিত্য-জগতত
অতুলনীয়। ডেচ্‌দিমোনা সেই কবিৰ “ওথেলো” নাটকৰ
প্রধান নায়িকা। কাজেই, পাঠক সকলৰ ওছৰত “ডেচ্‌দি-
মোনা”ৰ বিশেষ পৰিচয় দিয়াৰ অনাৱশ্যক।

 যুদ্ধক্ষেত্ৰত অহোম ৰমণী ( কাব্য )।
(অমিত্রাক্ষৰ ছন্দত লিখা বীৰ ৰসৰ কাব্য)

হাতেৰে লিখা অৱস্থাতে এই কাব্যখনি পঢ়ি চাই,
কেইবাগৰাকিও কৃতবিদ্য ভদ্রলোকে কৈছে,“মাইকেল
মধুসূদন দত্তৰ “মেঘনাদ বধ কাব্য”ই যেনেকৈ বঙ্গলা
ভাষাৰ যুগান্তৰ আনিলে, আপোনাৰ এই কাব্য খনিয়েও যে
অসমীয়া ভাষাত যুগান্তৰ নানিব, তাৰ কোন সন্দেহ
 ছপাবলৈ যোজা কৰা হৈছে । ‘চিঠি লিখি আগধৰি
গ্রাহক হৈ থকা সকলক আধা দামত দিয়া হ’ব।

কিতাপ পোৱাৰ ঠিকানা
কমতাপুৰ ষ্ট'ৰ, চকলটিঙ্গ। পোঃ আঃ যোৰহাট।