সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯১৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

[ xii ]

ftrgamcntaiii ad rem ( L ) argument to the purpose I

argnmentum ad invidiam ( L ) argument appealing to low pasiions ^itf^

^4 I

argumentum bacculinum ( L ) argument of the stick ^ Uts C^t?1 I

ariston motron ( Gr ) the middle course is the best siw^in «taT « 

audaces foriuna juvat ( L ) Fortune favours the daring i

auditque vocatus Apollo ( L ) fir I

au fond ( Gr ) At the bottom <iff^ i au revolr ( Fr ) Adieu >!*ar« ^?TT • au royaumc des aveugies les borgnes sont rois ( Fr ) in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed are the kings fWl I

avante coureur ( ) ( Gr ) A fore-

runner ■srinrt^ i

a verbis ad verbera ( L ) From words to blows nfl I

axioma medium ( L ) A generalisation from experience C^ff^T tsf??


badaud ( Fr ) a simpleton C^f1, i

bagatelle ( Gr ) A tride mftfT i barba tenus sapientes ( L ) sages in appea- rance only c»r f^ i

bal esprit ( Fr ) A person of genious c*it^ I

balle amie ( Fr ) a female friend » beneflclaire ( Fr ) one receiving a benefit ^ cntfi I

bene qui latult bene vixit (L) He has

lived well who has lived obscure CfC?

bis iat qui cito bat (L) He who gives

promptly, gives twice f^CIT fM

sjni f^ntf ^^1^ I

Bizarre ( ffCWCHf ) adj ( Fr ) eccentric grotesque ‘

Blifz-krieg ( ) «• vehement aero-

plane attack, ( Ger. Jirieg war )

( sec under War. )

bona fides ( L ) Good faith i

bonhomie ( Fr ) Good nature ;


bonjour ( f ) ( Fr ) good morning


borgen macht sorgen ( Gr ) Borrowing makes sorrowing ^Z'^

r^l i


Cfeteris paribus (L) other things being

equal fC»l i

Cafe ( Fr ) A coffee-house I

Cantabit vacuns coram latrone viator ( L ) the empty traveller will sing before a robber 'SJf I

Carpe diem ( i ) Seize the opportunity v ; I

Carteblanchc ( Fr ) A blank sheet of paper full powers 'srtfiT tSTW, I

Causa sine quanon ( L ) an indispensable cause I

Centum ( L ) A hundred "IIJ, il"t I Conditio sine qua' non ( L ) an indispensable condition I

Circuitus Verborum ( L ) a circumlocution f ^«n I

Cito ( L ) quickly I

Corpus delicti ( L ) The substance of the

offence f i

Coup de booheur ( ) ( Fr ) stroke

of good-luck 'etHIf I

CucuUus non facit monachum ( L ) The cowl does not make the monk C^*l

T^r%z^t 5tfir I