সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯২০

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

[ Mii ]

Contra bonos mores ( L ) against morals I

Coup de grace ( Gr ) A finishing stroke W ’ll#*! I

Coup de main ( Fr ) A sudden enterprise of effort C5^1, I

Cui bono ? ( L ) For whose benefit

Cum grano sails ( L ) With a grain of salt, — i. e. with some allowance i


d ’accord X Fr ) Agreed, in tune i da dextrom misero ( L ) Give the right hand to one who is miserable I

de bonne grace ( Fr ) with good grace willing- ly I

de facto ( L ) Actual I

Dei gratia ( L ) By the grace of God

de-integro ( L ) Anew i dejeuner ( Fr ) Break-fast or lunch fltjTT 'crr?t^ I

de jure ( L ) In law, rightful I

de-mal en pis ( Fr ) from bad to worse :fZ'^ I

demarche ( Fr ) A diplomatic measure C^v I

de mortuis nil nisi bonum ( L ) Say nothing but good of the dead ^1TW


de novo ( L ) Anew i

Deo gratias ( L ) Thanks to God

detenu ( Fr ) or {fern, ) detenue ( Fr ) A priso- ner ^ni?t I

Dens avertat ( L ) God forbid i

Denus vobiscum ( L ) God be with you c^t^rt«l I

dictum sapient! sat est ( L ) A word to the

wise is enough ncv


Dieu ct mon droit ( F ) God and my right

^ I

di salto ( It) At a leap i

divide et impera ( L ) divide and rule ®t»i ®t*T I

dulceet decorum est pro patria niori ( L ) It is sweet and glorious to die for one’s country nit«P


dum spiro spero ( L ) While I breathe I hope ^t>i tsU"! i

dum vivimus vivamus ( L ) while we live let us live xfZZ

»ltr‘5T I

durante vita ( L) during life i


e contra ( L ) contrary wise i

en ami ( Fr ) as a friend i

en beau ( Fr ) As handsome ^3? i

en masse ( Fr ) In a body I

en passant ( Fr ) By the by iit

en route ( Fr ) On the road ; let us go I

entente cordiale ( Fr ) cordial understand- ing between two nations


e pluribus unum ( L ) one out of many ZZ^Z ^^iZi I

e re nata ( L ) From the circumstances ari- sen Uzz i

errare est humanum ( L ) to err is human ^i^zz ^z I

esse quam videri ( L ) To be rather than to seem ZtV^ZZ ^ »ltCVf i

est modus in rebus ( L ) There is a proper mean in all things Z^Z]Z

«raTi wm I