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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯১৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই



ab ante ( L ) From before ♦Rl l

ab extra ( L ) From without

an initio ( L 'I From the begining I

ab intra ( L ) From within *f?1 1

ab ovo ( L ) From the egg, from the beginn- ing

ad extremum ( L ) To the extreme i

adfinem (L ) To the end i

ad infinitum ( L ) To infinity

^•t9{ I

ad interim ( L ) For the meantime


ad libitum ( L ) at pleasure i

ad litem ( L ) For a suit i

ad manum ( L ) at hand i

ad modum ( L ) after the manner of I

ad nauseam ( L ) To the pitch of causing disgust cni>


ad referendum ( L ) to be further considered

ad rem ( L ) To the purpose I

ad valorem ( L ) According to value

ad verbum ( L ) Verbally i

ad vivum ( L ) to the life i

advocatus diaboH ( L ) A devil’s advocate, an adverse critic «(fV I

affaire d’amour ( Fr ) a love affair i

a fortiori ( L ) With stronger reason I

a* la carte ( Fr ) According to the bill of fare

a la main ( Fr ) in hand, ready I

a* la mode ( Fr ) According to the custom I

Albion ( L ) An old name of Great Britain

aliquando bonus dcrmital Homer us ( L ) Some times the good Homer nods

aima mater ( L ) Bening mother

alter ego ( L ) A friend i

amour patriae ( L ) Love of country i

amour vincit omnia ( L ) Love conquers all things I

anima mundi ( L ) The soul of the world I

anonyma ( Gr ) A showy woman of light fame, who is little known I

anno Domini ( L ) In the year of our Lord 'onw1 1

ante belium ( L ) Before the war ^‘fR t ante meridiem ( L )

I 12 a.ra. ; before noon, a paribus ( L ) From equals ^^1 I

apologia ( Gr ) An apologetic writing f^«ri I

a’ prima vista ( It ) at first sight C^tX*rt CWtlt^ I

a tout prix ( Fr ) At any price f^sTt^ I

aqua ( L ) water I

aqua vita ( L ) water of life, often applied to spirituous liquors i

aquila non capit miis cas ( L ) — an eagle docs not catch flics

argumeutum ad hominem ( L ) argument to the man, — that is to one’s interests and passions i

argumeutum ad ignorantiam ( L ) an argument based on ignorance of facts