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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৮২

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


t 565 ]

I — glib talk I Patter- ing adj, I

Patterer n. atw. ^^^51 f? at»r C^1


Pattern ( ) n. a model, an example

^tf| ; I

Patty ( c*tft ) n, a little pie f^4l I

Paucity ( n1%t? ) n. fewness >Tt<n1 I

Paunch ( ) «. the belly C^tTl ifl?

C*l^ I Paunchy adj. c*1^ i

Pauper ( ’T-nt? ) n. a destitute person C<rT35?tsT C»lt^ ; I

Pause ( •(w^ ) n. a temporary stop ; cessa- tion, suspense ; a mark

for rest in reading or writing Cl*r • — v. t. to make a pause »T,

^ I Pausingly adv. by breaks, deliberately Kfk tj U »

Pave ( ) V. t. lay down stone, or brick

fn»l ^1 t5l ♦dfa MW ; to form a level surface ^ ; to prepare, as a

way :s^9pr»i 7^, I Paved adj.

^1 I

Pavement ( C*T’^‘Ca^ ) n. a paved road or floor W M^y M I

Pavillion ( ) n. a tent ; an

ornamental building with a dome il1w^ 'e<f ; a canopy

^tfsiTls^l I

Pavon ( ) n. a small flag fixed to lance

c»r»!^ I

Paw (♦[)«. the feet of a beast for prey I — V. t. to scrape with the forefoot

^ I

Pawn ( •t'e^ ) n. a pledge deposited ; some- thing given as a security C’Tf^l, I

— 0 . t. to give in pledge C’lt^l CW, •

Pawnee n, i Pawner n, ^ww

Pawnbroker ( n'6?(-4’3rt? ) n. a broker who lends money on pledges aW CfW

at*rr»i I

Pay ( c^f’ ) V. t. to discharge a debt Or duty WM «rt^ W ; to punish

c*f, ■rtf% C*f I to reward Of ;

to give, to render C?, C^TtCl I — -»• t. to be profitable n^Vl f W « —n. salary, wages I To pay money into

court='Bittn»i'y5 ^ ^ wni on

Pay for=to bear the expense of Wta Cf> C? I To pay off = to discharge ♦ff?r*rt<f ; to requite C«r I Pay

the piper ='Jl^*rrir f^Wl i Pay

one’s respects ='e»I’T ■! ; OTta ; ’HTt*!

^ I

Payable ( ) adj. due, that ought to be

paid OT1 I

Pay-day ( C*f’*Of’ ) n. a fixed day for payment

Payee ( cn'^ ) n. one to whom money is paid

n •

Paymaster ( cnV^ll^l^ ) n. an officer in

the army who pays ftll


Payment ( ) n. the act of paying, that

which is paid I

Pea ( ) «. an annual herb of the

family i Peas (/»/. )=C’TO,

ai^r 1 Pease ( pi. ) =caca, aiJa 1 Split-peas =iri aN atf r

Pea-stone a coarse kind of lime-stone having grains C^ta1 Petr

sou^T = {colloq) thick yellow fog tsli I

Pea ( ) «. a peafowl a’a1 Fat^ •

Peace ( PfF ) «. a state of quiet ; freedom from distance wFTi ; *rrf%,

friendliness afw, faaf^l I — interj.

be silent fifa 9 , aca ara Wta^ I To keep the peace=wTf% aaFl asa 1

Peaceable ( fnCFaw ) adj. disposed to