সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৮৩

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

[ 566 ]


peace »rt^, ; tranquil

Peaceableness n. *Ttf^,  

im I Peaceably adv.


Peaceful ( ) adj: quiet, tranquil

■Tf^, I Peacefully adv.


Peaceless adj. without peace I

Peacemaker n. one who reconciles enemies

Peace-ojffering ( ) n. an offering to

God to bring about peace C5t<T,


Peach ( ) n. a tree with a delicious fruit

I Peacher n. a betra-

yer of his accomplice

I Peachy = like a peach I

Peacock ( ) «. a large gallinaceous bird

with a long and very beautiful tail

I ( /«m. Peahen), Peachick n.


Peak ( ) n. the top of a mountain

the pointed end of anything ^1,

CVfrsn CWH) ; the pro- jecting part of a cap in the front ^t^-

I Pea-king adj. sickly i

Peal ( ) n. a loud sound »Rr ;

a chime IfWWS i —v. t. or

0. r. to ring ; to resound ^W1, ^ ;

»l^ I

Pcan, Pmn ( ) n. a song of triumph

Wnt^’T^ I

Pear ( C^’n^ ) n. a kind of juicy conical fruit I

Pearl ( ) n. a gem found in certain shell- fish ; a white speck on the eye

5^ 5lf5| I Pearly adj. ;

tt-ansparent i

Pearl-eyed ( ) adj. having a white

speck on the eye IpnnTl

Pearl-fishery ( ) n. a place for or occupation of fishing for pearls C^t^1

^ iti I

Peasant ( ) n. one who lives by

rural labour 5^51 C«l^

Peasantry ( ) n. rustics, tillers of the

soil c«f^, C21^ I

Pease see Pea.

Peat ( ) n. decayed vegetable matter like

turf C'*T:»l*f1 «ltt% «r^1 I

Pebble ( ) n. a small roundish stone

a transparent rock crystal


Peccability ( ), Peccancy n. sinful- ness I

Peccable ( ) adj. liable to sin

Peccadillo (• ) n. a trifling sin, a

petty fault C'Tt^ I

Peccant ( c*f’C^-^ ) adj. sinning, guilty ^ I

Peck ( ) V. t. to strike with the beak or

something pointed ;

to pick up wifh the beak «n i Pecker n I Peklsh-- ( colhq. ) hungry <r^l, I

Pecksniff ( ) n. an unprincipled hy- pocrite I

Pectic ( ) adj. cordling I

Pectinal (C*l’f^C^l?[) adj. comb-like ;

^r**R W I

Pectoral ( ) adj. relating to the

breast i — n. a breast- plate ; a medicine for the

breast i Pectoral fins=

the anterior fins of fishes *111^ T

Pectoral theology nql irfrstq I

Peculate ( ) v. t. to embezzle

  • R <R cqtnq i Peculation

n. nqq