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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৮১

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


I 564 ]


Wl^ ; hereditary i

(L. pater=a. father ).

Paternity ( ) n. fatherhood

>!W^, W*T?r Wtf^ ; authorship I

Paternoster ( C*fi>t^ ) n. the Lord prayer

the rosary W*nrT^1 I

Path ( ♦fti^ ) w. a way, track *fer, ^ti> ; course of action I

Pathetic ( ) — ai, adj. causing pity,

grief or sorrow C»lt^ C»rt^-

WW ; I Pathetically adv.


Pathology ( ) «. science of the nature

and remedies of diseases »rl^ ; C^t^f

^^n*l pf'in I Pathologist n. ^ntfiTi^ai I

Pathos ( c*f'e(5 ) n. the expression of tender emotions ^^*1 i

Pathway ( ) n. a path or way

carai at^i

Patience ( n. quality of being able

to endure calmly aa, ^1% ;


Patient ( c^-ca^ ) adj. enduring pain with- out murmuring ; not

easily provoked i

— n. one who suffers, a sick person

cat^, caatft i

Patiently adv. with calmness 'flCar-


Patly see Pat.

Patois ( C*f&-'6a ) n. a vulgar dialect Utai ®tai i

Patriarch ( ) n. the governor of a

family by paternal right ^Tf^,

a d ignitor y superior to an

archbishop i

Patriarchal, Patriarchic ( ;

— ) adj. pertaining to a patri- arch nrtf^ ^ nt^


Patrician ( ) n. a nobleman des-

cended from one of the senators of Rome 4TWJ? cm^ CWt ^ ;

I — adj. of noble family I ( opp. Plebeian)

Patricide ( ) n. the murder, or the

murderer of one’s own father

fn^ I

Patrimony ( ) n. an estate derived

by inheritance from an ancestor

I Patrimonial adj. inherited from ancestors C*rtn l

Patriot ( ) n. one who truly loves his fatherland

a!»r5V I {GT,pat€r=& father).

Patriotic ( C*t*1^irt5^) adj. like a patriot C’PT*


Patriotism ( c*f’15 ) n. love of one’s

country I

Patrol ( C^fS’af ) v, i. or v. t. to go the rounds in a camp as a sentry C?i f?. a*l ^4 I — n. going round of a guard on the night aitf^ a^;rl fw ; the guard or men who go round at night nfln I

Patron ( ) n. one who countenances

or protects I

Patronage ( viiw^ ) n. encouragement

or support given by a patron I

Patronise ( ) v. t. to give encourage- ment to Of, ^4 I

Patronising adj. giving encouragement to

Patronymic ( ) adj. derived from the name of a father CifTHW,

I —n. C^l Jftm-

Patten ( ) n. a wooden shoe with an iron ring i

Patter ( ) v. t. to strike often, as hail

stones '•n'®*n, ; to mumble