C 5^3 ]
Passive voice i Passivity, Passi-
veness «. i
Pass-key ( ) n. a key for opening several locks ♦f^l AbU
5FlSr I
Passport ( ) n. written permission to pass or travel ^»!I naf ; nt^ i
Password ( ) n. {mil.), a private
word to distinguish a friend from foe
>Tr5F^ I
Past ( ) pa. p. of Pass — adj. gone by
^ C^t^l ; now retired from service
- in time already passed
1 — prep, beyond in time or
place I — adv. by '5ltC^f*r ; I
The past that which has passed C^ll^ ^«11 ; I Let the dead past bury
its dead nt?1 ^«f1 f'flll i
Paste ( C^f’^ ) n. a cement of flour boiled in water ; a mass of anything made soft by wetting C?1'e, i
— t'. t. to fasten with past »
Paste board i Pastern ( ) n, the part of horse’s foot
just above the hoof '8^'<
) I
Pastime ( ) n. amusement, recreation
C*isitf^ I
Pastor ( ) fi. a shepherd
- a clergyman i
Pastoral ( ) adj. rustic, relating to
shepherds ; pertaining
to the pastor — n, a
poem describing rural life ^f'e ifTlts I
P«stry ( C*f’§t ) n. articles made of paste or dough ; the art of making
articles of paste f^4t*l?n f^p^ri I
•Pasture ( 15^ ) n. land or grass for grazing hk ; i — »• <•
or v» i, to feed on pasture i
Pasturable ( ) adj. fit for pasture I
Pasturage ( ) n. grass for feed- ing ; pas- ture land 1
Pasty (c*ffe) adj. like paste ; C^l^iaiTl;
C«I5ir«tefl5l I — ri. a small pie of meat and crust I
Pat ( ) n. a. light quick blow J a
small lump of butter «l*f1 i —
V. t. to strike gently with the hand I ( pr. p. Patting, pa. p. Patted) — a(^. at the right time or place ;
I Pat on the back-^f^fe® ;
to patronise ^5l?r I Fatly adj. fitly
Patagium ( ) n. the fold be-
tween the upper and the forearm of a bird I
Patch ( ) V. t. to mend by putting in a
piece I
— n. a piece sewed to mend a defect
- a plot, a piece ofland
- 5iti5 I Patch-work-^ work formed
of pieces sewed together ^1^ ;
C<rti51 I Not a patch on^^’^®t^t^
Pate ( } n. ( Colloq ) the head ^9,
Patella ( ) n. the knee-pan or cap
^1^^ C5imi I
Patent ( ) adj. conspicuous ;
public ; protected by an official
document I — n. an
official document conferring a right or privilege I Patent medici- ne C^W I Patent
office-iilt^ %T9€-^ W I
— V. t. to grant a patent.
Patentee ( ) n. one who holds a
patent ♦lat C’lHI C«Tt^ i
Paternal ( ) adj. fatherly