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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৭৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 562 ]

c*r I —V, t. to go by, over, beyond &c.  ; to spend,

to omit ; to

enact ;

to send ; to cause to move ;

cif% C'T ; to transi'cr n?1 <ili?TN C^f ; approve ; to

go through successfully 5 ; ♦TT^ ; to circulate aft^ I — n. a narrow way 5^1^1 <?t^ ; a written permission to go out, or to do anything <lt5, *fi5 ;

state or condition ^5^1, 5f1% ; a thrust

C^tF I Pass away=^?ttf^?1 5, i

Pass by='eK?f? ti1 ; to overlook ;

^it^p I Pass for = c?it»it? C^tW,

»i)&1 C^t*f I Pass over -to over- look 'ilR CW, I

to cross ^ I Pass muster C?t^

til I Pass off- to impose I Come to pass- to

occur ^ I Pass on -to go tor-

ward «it^ I Pass upon- to

happen to ti&srl ^ I to give judgment upon CtTt«f ^1% (Tf ; to impose upon f (?l i Pass through — to undergo ti^, ;

I Bring to pass—^nfr^ ;

tr&1 I Pass current =5«l, ^ i To

pass an examination tji

^4 I To pass a bill—

41 I To pass a needle through—


Passable ( ^1TF45=][ ) adj. that may be passed tit4 ; that may be accepted or

allowed to pass 51^^?!,

a little above the common


Passage ( ) w. act of passing Sf?r4, ^3T[5t, sff^ ; journey J5si«| ; a way entrance

price paid for being conveyed

in a ship 4tiJ ; any incident ^4^41 ; a single clause or part of a book ^f«Rr

^«n ; c^U I Passage

’445; 4t^. ’445 I Have yon Engaged your passage to £nglaiid=t^*ltltt4 4t4t»l 4tt 4W4^ 4Jf4»rtr4 ? WtfW fl>4i& 9f»ltI4 ? Passage of anns=a quarrel, especially of words 4t^'|4E ; 4*4 Bird of passage =4^tC9r 4in:aT itt ^»1T^ lf4l f4tt i Pass-book ( *Tt5;-^4t ) n. a book to enter credit purchases ^4st4 f«14tC44l ^4T f^5t*f 4fl I

Pass-check n. a ticket of admission to la place ^44tt C>rt4t4 *141 I

Passe ( ) adj. past the prime, the hey-day of life a?l444 544, C4^ Cft4l> C5C441 C4C4 f^:4'h5t4 4te4f 4lt»l I Passenger ( C^^53f^t47 ) n. one who travels in a train or a steamer C4»r Wt4t«F^

Passer ( <*ft5t4 ) n. one who passes 4t'd^, ST4si45tft I

Passer-by ( ^t5t4"4t^ ) n. one who passes by 'e5r4f*r I

Passe-partout ( C’l5"-C’t4"-| ) a means of passing anywhere 4’t^C4t 41^4 *f4l

a pass key 44»lf4 ; ^l5t44rt^ t

Passible ( ) adj. susceptible of suffer-

ing 4^ '5l^«?l4n4>, 44 4f44 441 f Passim adv. here and there 4’r® *

Passing ( 4lf5* ) adj. surpassing cafi ;

I —adv. very I Passing bcll=

C414«T1 4>41 4^1 I

Passion ( C44d; ) strong feeling or agi- tation of mind ^C44, Gl't4 ; ardent love 4it4f^ ; eager desire

I (/»/.) excited conditions of mind 4St4 C3Iit*rtf^ f4^f44T4r l

Passionate ( C44f45 ) adj. easily excited.

C45tn4, ; 4^«^41 ; 4rt^45 I

Passive ( C4f5«; ) cdj. suffering, unresist- ing 4f^, 44^4 ; not acting

4tf4 4^1, 45t^ 44t^4 ; 44 ^4 4C4 4W W I