99. The mystical diagram. 1. The j antra should he written with the juice of Agiachita on the bhurjjapatra with the name of the person on it. When this j antra, is heated on a fire kindled with twigs of swallow- wort, the man will be attacked by fever with burning sensations. 2. A man will be cured of leprosy if the Horn ceremony is performed by offering long pepper, one thousand and eight times, reciting the Chamunda mantra (No. 52) and mentioning the name of the man each time. 100. Breaking of earthen cooking pots. A palmyra stick and a seed of Karacha should . be ground in the juice of some citron. If it is thrown into the kitchen, charmed with the Madan and Guru mantras (Nos. 53 and 54) reciting them one hundred and eight times, the cooking pots will break. 101. Diminishing the output op oil. When a piece of Bholti wood measuring eight fingers, collected in the fourteenth lunar mansion, is charmed with Daha mantra (No. 55) muttering it hundred and eight times, and is buried near an oil-pressing hand- mill, the output will be diminished. 102. Diminishing op the milk. In the seventeenth lunar mansion, if apiece of Jdmbu wood, measuring eight fingers, he buried in a cow-shed, the cows will not give milk. 103. Spoiling the irons op a blacksmith. In the fourth lunar mansion, if a piece of plum wood measuring eleven fingers, is buried in the furnace of a blacksmith, all his irons will be spoilt.
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