77. 9s. CAUSING DISEASES. 1. If the powdered seed of eacount is mixed with the liquid extract of the Bhola (Sernecarpus Anac ardium) tree is throva on ones body, it will cause him pain. Its antidote is sugar with milk. 2. The white leprosy is cured, if the gum-extract of Sj at (an Euphorbia) is taken internally in milk and rubbed on tke body. | The same result is obtained if the fire-fy is ground and taken intermaily. 3. The fruit and the stem of the lettle, known as Bandake&od, the poisonous Bhola, the root of Agiachita, Kachmani (Abrus Precatorius) should all be ground into powder and strewn over the body. This turns the white spots into black, which, however, disfigures the body. But if the roots of lemon glass, white sandyl paste, seeds of Batmamadd and the root of Tago flower are made into a pulp with wates and is applied on the black marks and on the eyes, the disfiguration is removed. 4. A man becomes blind if the powder made by grinding the bark and twig of the Karavia (Oleander) is thrown into his eyes. The same effect is produced by throwing into the eyes the powder made by grinding the Sated seed and chilli. The Basudeva mantra should be recited for a month after ablutions and medicines should be taken after muttering the same mantre. This will remove all evil efects.
পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৮৯