4. The same effect is produced if th,e roots of either Kachmani or Karachi (P ongamia Glabra) is put under one’s pillow. 5. If the roots of black KaJcajanghd (Solanum Indicum) and Suliatha are kept buried underneath one’s bed, all the inmates of the house will suffer from sleeplessness. 87. Prevention of sleep. 1. If the root of the tender thorn-apple plant, dried mica and filaments of the Ketaki (Pandanus Odoratissimus) flower are ground together and applied to the nostrils, then there will be no sleep. 2. If the root of the water-lily bearing blue’! flowers is ground with the root of Nageswar plant along with chilli and the paste applied to the eyes, the sleep disappears. , 88. Removing the effect of incantation. If on the full-moon day of the month of Aghm the root of Mayurlatd is collected and enchanted with the Kanaknath mantra (No. 43) muttering it one hundred and eight times and if it is tied to a man’s hair he will be freed from the spells of incantation. 89. The mystical eiagbam. The j antra should be written on the bhurjjapatra with yellow arsenic and turmeric. It should then be tied to the hair while facing downwards. The spells will be removed. 90. Making the Nigama Sastba easily compre- hensible. 1. The root of Padhatia (Vitex Negundo) should be taken out on a Sunday in the thirteenth lunar mansion, facing to the north. When a man is touched with it, his difficulties about ‘Understanding the Nigama Sastra will be removed. ' ’’M
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