61. 74. THE MYSTICAL DIAGRAM. | The janata should be written with gonochao@ on the &hotoi pata, and the name of the woman should be ivritten on it. When this janta is tied round her waist or arm, she bears long-lived children. 75. PREVENTION OF MISCARRIAGE, 1. The potters earth, prepared for making wares, when taken internally mixed with honey, prevents miscarriage. 2. The excreta of a house pigeon when taken with salt and water, prevents abortion. 76. CURING THE PAIN IN THE WOMB. The pain of the womb is prevented by taking milk mixed with sugar. 77. CURING OF LABOUR-PAIN. 1. The root of white Kachmani should be gathered with one's face upward and twisted with seven pieces of thread and then tied round the waist of the woman. She will have easy delivery. 2. The seed of a white Kachaat should be rubbed over the abdomen and a paste made of it, should be applied to the vagina. It will cause easy delivery. 3. Soot should be finely powdered and mixed with water and shaken thoroughly. This; 'if taken internally, will cause easy delivery, 4. If the Prasuti mantra (No. 37) is muttered one hundred and eight times in the confinement room, there will be easy delivery.
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