70. TILE MYSTICAL DIAGRAJr. [The first jatoz should b3 written on ba tajjapata with g00*20hat and then tied to the arm or waist. This also brings about conception. 71. CoNCEPTION OF A woAS BECOMING BARREN AFTER FIRST DELIVERY. | If a woman becomes barren after her first delivery, she must take the following medicine and then live with her husband. Then her barrenness will be removed. | The root of Apurijate should be made into a paste with buffalo milk and taken mixed the cream of the Same after having charmed it with the required aaaat. 72. THE MYSTICAL DTAGRAM. The a12ty & should be written with gorocc3a& on babujjapati & with the name of the woman inscribed on it. If the ja ata is then tied to he hand, she will bear children. 73. CU RING A woAN OF “MARKUCHIYA ”. Markuchiya is a disease which causes the death of children shortly after their birth, by a slow process of swasting.) This medicine should be taken facing to the east afte* worshipping the goddess Ekandi, and muttering the Ekandi m&10tra one hundred and eight times over the medicine. | The root of Bheh tree should be ground and boiled in the milk of a cow having a calf of her own colour. It should then be charmed with the above nato*% after mixing it with clarified butter. If the woman takes this medicine at the end of her menstrual period and sleeps with her husband, she will bear healthy children.
পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৭১