সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/৯১

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে

 2. Dust over the affected parts with the mixed ashes of Keheraj, Hansharaj, Bhimraj and Batraj, after getting the body washed after a rub with some raw oilcake.
 3. Give internally the following after having them boiled together in some water :—
  Stem of long pepper, Gorokhachoi, Maranada, garlic, onion, Jabrang, split Matimah 1/2 seer, a handful of lɔng pepper, a handful of black pepper, and a handful of salt.
 4. Rub the body with oil cake and wash, and then rub it with ashes of the rind of Athia Kola mixed with some castor oil.
 5. Clean under light strokes of the pestle in a Dhenki (country husking machine) one Done (5 seers) of split Matimah, boil it with the liquid soda prepared from the ashes of the plantain tree in the month of Kati, and then rub the body well with the preparation having the pony held under the sunshine. Wash the body well after some time.



 General Symptoms—Swellings like tumours on both sides of the knee.
 Medicine—Draw out pus, if any, after an incision, clean it and bandage over it some roasted leaves of Chalkunari with some ghee or with some roasted leaves of Dhatura and castor plant.



 General Symptoms—Obstruction to the passing of the urine.
 Medicine—Give internally 7 twigs of Bon-Sath, 7 twigs of Helochi, and some salt in a paste.
 When the urethra is closed pass through the passage some horse-hair rubbed with some soap.