সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/৬৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


 Medicine—Place the animal under a walled shed in the winter so that it is not affected by the outside air, light up fire around it, when it perspires wipe it dry, then take it out, give one seer of gur, one powa of Bhang and one radish, all thrashed and mixed up to eat. Take out the animal thereafter in the morning and evening for walks for 3 days, and give the usual food of grain or grass after it. Pulses may be given after the 3 days.

46. TAN-GU

 General Symptoms—constipation and hard stool.

 Medicine—Boil together Sia atrup 1/2powa, black pepper 1 powa, salt and 1/2 seer mustard oil, and give the same to eat with some pulses.

 2. Give internally the following mixed together :—

 Powdered rice 1 powa, powdered turmeric 1/2powa, soot 1/2powa, and gur 1/2powa.


 Medicines-Apply over the affected part the following after boiling together, when it gets a little cold :—

 Earth of the white ant hill, dung of buffalo and leaves of Akan.


 General Symptoms—Salivation, perspiration of the head, and swelling of the throat or pharynx.

 Medicines—1. Give internally the paste made of the bark of Tezamaya taken out from the south, tuber. of wild arum, Moiha-ali, Jabrang and salt, followed by a hot drink.