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পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব.djvu/৬৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

NaODUCTION [ plural is that the post-positions are annecd in the forme to the base and in the later to the sim of plurality. This is exactly the case in Assamese. Example :- INSTRUMENTAL GENIVE, Singula, Plural Singular Pard. nurit Chena Gha, Grkarya, Ghandni, uta Na-chang, Na-la-chu৪ Ny-y0, Nvd-la-yo. Rachar Na-gang, Nu-fue Nunt, N-far-al. Garo Nok-c, Nok-ra৫, Not-ni, Not-rement. Aam Ghorer Ghoborer, Gh , Ghobor-w, English With a house, With houses, of a house, of hous, d) Adjectives :- | In Sanskrit as in the other Indo-Aryan languages adjectives are declined like nouns, and they agree with the nouns they quality in wender, number and case. In Assamese, only the sex is indicated in a few tasama and tadbhuya words, but not number and case. Example:-ajaa tara (artless boy), jali chowdf (aruless girl). In the Tibeto-Burman family, as in Davidian, adjectives can never be declined like the nouns they qualify. This characteristic has been retained in Assamese to a great extent. Example:- KachaiGahan housa. Assamese-Ejam bhal manuha, English-A good man. Kachari-Ghan higzhou, Assamese-Ejan bhal truta English-A good woman. e) Passive voice :- Modern Assamese passive voice is probably an imitation f the Tibeto-Burman form of passive voice. In the Bodo group of languages the passive voice is formed simply by prefixing the past participle of the regular verb to the different tenses of an auxiliary verb. Thus, in Kachari, Za-anu (=to be, become), the auxiliary verb, is most commonly used. Example:-Kach-num ” (=see): past participle-suna" (=seen). Kacharing unai zaar Assamese-Ma dekha jaon, English am seen. Racharing nared Zaabui AssameseMd dekha gab. English-I have been seen. Racharing auna @asa Assamese-Ma aka yan. EashI shall be , The resemblance is complete (Sce 3391).