সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব.djvu/৫২৩

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

তুতি ৩৯৫ খ্রী. ভাজী; ভজুৱা, ভাজুৱা (crooked or having bend) from ভাল (a bend); ভাতু (eater of boiled rice), খ্রী. ভাদুনী; ভতুৱা, ভাতুৱা (ft only to eat boiled rice, wathless) from ভাত (boiled rice); ঠাঃ (a handsome person), ঠানুৱা (shapely, beautiful) from ঠান ( shape); ঠগুৱা (lovely, shapely), শ্রী, ঠগগা from ঠগ (beauty), স, ঠকু ( idol); জেই (one born in the month of Jaisyha), সেৱা (pertaining to the month of Jaistha) from জেঠ (a month); কেলেহ (a distressed person), কেলেহুৱা (poor, distressed) from কেলেশ, ক্লেশ (misery); হাটু (person visiting hat) from হাট (a market); গােৰ (born in cowdung ; a beetle) from গােৰৰ (cowdung); সর্ট (having a pin or keysaid of bracket) from সাৰ (a key); ভদীয়া, ভদক (born in Bhadra) from ভাদ (a month); মলু, মঙ্গলা (born on a Tuesday), স্ত্রী, মজলী from মঙ্গল (Tuesday); মাঘু (born in Magh), স্ত্রী, মাঘী; মথুৱা, মাথুৱা (bon in Magh) from মাঘ (the month of Magh); ঘৰুৱা (pertaining to house, home-born) from ঘৰ (a house); আহৰু (born in Agar) from আহাৰ (the month of Agar); বুদু, বুদাৰু (born on a Wednesday) from বুধ (Wednesday); সমাজু, সমজুৱা (member of an assembly) from সমাজ (assembly, society); দাতু, দতুৱা (one having prominent teeth) from দাত (a tooth); পেটুৱা (one having a big belly) from পেট (belly); খাৰুৱা (seasoned with alkali) from খাৰ (alkali); কেচুৱা (infant) from কেচা (unripe, quite raw); ইত্যাদি। | তৃতীয় আৰু চতুর্থ বৰা: কেহহ (one having abundant or beautiful hair) from কেশ, কেহ (hair); দৰৰ (tmid) from দৰ (fear); বলল (one having strength) from বল (strength); পদো (a good singer of Pada) from পদ (a kind of verse); মেঘঘ (cloudy, pertaining to cloud) from মেঘ (cloud); শেহহ ( last, one born last) from শেহ (end); দাশশা ( slave, relating