সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯২৪

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

[ xvii ]

nisi prius ( L ) Unless previously I

nolens volens ( L ) Whether he vill or not

non compos mentis (L) not of sound muul stW, r^isar I

non vh'imus edere, sed edimus vivere ( L ) We

do not live to eat, but cat to live


nota bene^( L) N. B., Mark well iST^I I


obiter dictum ( L ) a cursory remark c^t3i c^'u^ I

oinne ignotum pro magnifico ( L ) everything unknown is considered to be magnificent

omnia viocit amor ( L ) love conquer everydiing y{^z^n^ ^»r ^z^ i on dit ( Fr ) A dying rumour I

O tempora ! O more [ ( L ) What sad times i what dreadful doings l ft? ! fwsi, I

otia dant vitia ( L ) idleness begets vice

ip. ^-


pactum iliicitum ( L ) An illegal compact

par excellence ( Fr ) Eminently i

pari passu ( Fr ) what equal pace together v<c^- 5TSftr?T »

per fas et nefas ( L ) Through right and wrong ^Vs '5igrrtr itifft 1

personnel ( Fr ) Persons employed in any service <f&1 C»tt^ >f^9| ;


pleno Jure ( Fr ) with full authority

pot hoc ( L ) After this I

pot mortem ( L ) After death »

prima facie ( L ) On the first view t

primo ( L ) In the first place «lir*fC® i

pro patria ( L ) For our country I

pro re nata ( L ) For a si)ecial emergency Uz^ ^IZP I

pro tauto ( L ) For so mucli I

pro tempore ( L ) For the time being '51®!^



queere ( L) Inquire i qui tacet consentit ( L ) who keeps silence consents C^)z^ /liRxTr^

^WT« I

qui va la ? ( Fr ) Who goes there Q^tz^)


quod erat demonstrandum ( L ) or Q. E. D.

Which was to be proved


quod vide ( L ) Whicb see C1>T?1 l

quo jure ? ( L ) By what right C^TC^il

^(r^B I


rara avis ( L ) A rare bird, prodigy f

religio loci ( L) The religious |?iriis of the place i

repondenz sil vous plait ( )

( Fr ) R. S. V. P. - -Reply if you please i

ruit mole sua (L) It falls by its wn weight mz^ ^fkz^ I

nie centre ruse ( L ) cunning against cunning t?C®T C&5?T'< !


salvo jure ( L) The right being safe C^T?lt^ t