সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৭৫৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


Species ( C’^fsw ) n. a group f^*l, Wf9 I

Specific ( ) n, a

I —Oi

infallible I Specific ment for examining the colours of lumi-

i Specific nous bodies gravity— the weight of a substance com- i

pared with another standard substance SpecuJiir ( ) adj. resembling a of the same bulk reflector

e[5r «itit *<^1 ifW, I

I Speculate ( o. /. to consider

Specifically adJ. definitely, precisely ; to traffic for more

^C*T, ^1% ; particularly C^cit6lt^ i gain 5jst;^^t^ ?p^ I

Specification ( ) n. the act of Speculation ( ) n. contem-

t W 1

or clast CH^t !r»i»rial remcdv

»he cotoort *** *J**4

a prism

ana * I

specifying, particulars specified C'<rtC*It61

c^trstl tl-l I

Specify ( ) o. t to state particularly

f^*f C^f’Sf^n I ( L. .?/»««« =kind ).

Specimen ( ) /*. a sample

Fre^tfap I ( L. specere^to see ).

Specious ( ) adj. appearing well at

first sight (TfC^tCV «t»T ; showy

C»It^ I Speciously adv. plausibly

I Spcciousncss=OfCtr*tr5 Vt»T c^=t cFttr «raTi i

Speck ( ) n. a spot *rt^ ,* a blemish

^^W ; I

Speckle ( ) n. a small spot

?ttr I — V. t. to mark with speckles ^i>-

^^11 ift^ eitfl » Speckled adj. spotted

Spectacle ( ) n. a sight {pi. ) a pair of lenses to assist the sight I Spectacular adj.


Spectator ( ) n.. one who looks on I

Spectre ( ) n. a ghost

  • Rtt«1 I

plation ; transaction for

large profits STt^W I

Speculative ( ) adj. given to meditation ; trying to profit

by transaction in trade or business c^r9 I

speculator ( ) n. one who

speculates C^I-f^lRl

VtC»lfsF I ( Fern. ) Speculatrix.

Speculum ( ) n. a reflector made of metal, a mirror ;

a surgical instrument for widening the cavities of human body for examination

^ « 

Sped pa. t. and pa. p. of Speed.

Speech ( fHt^ ) n. that which is spoken ^^1, I Speeclimaking=^^^1 i

Speechless •

Speed ( ) n. quickness

velocity l — »• t. to hurry C^sfl-

C^^tt i to succeed f l — V. t. to hasten, to push forward

^»f1, fwn I Good-

speed =*good success / Speed

Spectrum ( ) n. the image of some- up=to accelerate ’•R CVfl

thing seen even after the eyes are closed ^ i Speed-cop ( Slang ) a police