সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৭৫৭

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 740 ]


to shine, to glitter

Sparkling adj. glittering ; lively


Sparrow ( ) «. a genus of Ivirds

Sparse ( adj, thinly scattered

>a$1, ; scanty < Sparsely

adv. »

Spartan ( ) adj. pertaining to Sparta

in Greece *^T&1 i

Spasm ( ) n. involuntary contraction

of' muscles C’<lt9l

OTT^, ^fk I

Spasmodic ( C’^ ar ) adj. convulsive

«r^i, c#i5t^

f^?1, I — n. a medicine for curing

spasms I

Spat pa. t. of Spit. — n. the spawn of fish C»ft3t1 ^1W I

Spate ( ) «. a sudden rain flood

i?»i ; as A river is in spate=i5T'® i>*T I Spate of resignations of officers irta^ 5*1 1

Spatter ( ) v. t. to scatter

about r>l^^fi5 tsf5?l ; to defame

I — fz. act of spattering ttf5 >rt^*l ;

what is scattered about i Spatter



Spatula ( ) f!, a broad knife for

spreading plasters

Spavin ( C’^'S'-ld ) n. a disea.se of horses affecting llit* lock-joint

Spawl ( ) n. spittle c>i<i t ~-v. i.

to throw saliva from the mouth C*!»11, I

Spawn ( ) n. the eggs of fishes when ejected C*tl5l1 1 —v. t. to

bring forth «r<f1 1 — v. i. to lap eggs

  • f1^ ; to issue as offspring C*ft*rl C^l*! I

Speak ( ) V. t. 10 utter words iPtf1 3js^

^«t1 ; say ^ I — v. t. to pronounce

C^t»l ; to address I Speak for— to speak on be- half of ^tC^1 ^ ; to be a proof of aat^

? I Speak of-^i*rmiT 1 Speak out=^fM Soto

speak 81 ^C»l I Not to he in speaking terms with=iit®C^1»l i Does not

speak well of^-®t»i citr<rtft?, it?? I

Speaker n. one who s])(Mks ; a presi- dent in a council I

Spear ( ) n. a weapon with long

pole pointed with iron C**!*!, *t5l,

C^t8l, I —V. t. to pierce with a spear C’^t? I Spearman n. one armed with a spear ?iSi « 

Special ( ) adj. particular, uncommon

designed for a particular

use I — n. any person or thing

set apart for a particular duty

?UW ?«I1 cv-^ ?1 t ( as A special train ; A special constable ).

Specialist n. one who devotes himself to a special subject 0=^1 C^1 t

Specially ( ) adj. particularly I

.Specialty, Speciality ( ) n. some- thing distinctive ; any special

pursuit for which a person is distin- guished ; any important

article of sale or manufacture 4l«tlt®

a scaled contract c^tC!|1


Specie ( ) n. go VI and silver coin (>tt*l