[ 560 ]
and brilliant plumage I Parrotry
n. I
Parry ( c^T#l ) v. t. to keep off, to avoid ^t«r ; i
Parse ( ) v. t. to tell the parts of speech
and their relations in a sentence I
Parsee ( ) n. a descendant of Zoroastrians
in Persia who came to India in the 7th century to escape from Muhammedan persecution f
Parsing n. *1^-^
nf^F?r I
Parsimonious ( ) adj. frugal to
excess, niggardly i
Parsimoniously adv. t ( L. par cere
= to spare ).
Parsimony ( ) n. frugality, niggardli-
Parsley ( ) n. a pot herb with fine
and strongly scented leaves
Parsnip, Parsnep ( ) n. an edible
plants with a carrot-like root 'BTf^
»rf^ I
Parson ( ) n. a clergyman #1^9
I Parsonage n. the residence of the minister of a parish I
Part ( ) n. a portion, a fraction ; '$t^,
- a member ; interest,
- side or yjarty ; character taken
by an actor in a play ^t'6, i
{pi.) talents » —v.t. to
divide, to make into parts ^1T1, ^1^, 'St’f ®t'»T I — V. i. to be separated ?,
«a^ ; to turn asunder 5 I Partly
adv. with respect to a part
- in some degree
I For the most part^atu i Part of speech=»r^? cas^ i For my part
I In good part = favourably I Take part in--c^t'JT C? ; to assist in I Take part with— to
take one’s side
tpsfrti 5 I In part=f^^vft»l, 1%f?il5T i To part with to leave possession of (pf i He took the part of Ravan 'Bt« I Man of parts C»rt^ i
Partake ( ) V. i. ( with) of or in ) to
take as food sy; to be admitted
f I ( pa.t. partook ; pa. p. partaken ) partaker n. one who shares, or takes part
Parterre ( ) n. an arrangement of
flower-plots having walks between
Parti ( ) n. a marriageable person
regarded as a match or catch nt3 I
Partial ( ) adj. relating to a part not entire ; ; lean- ing to one party I Parti- ally adv. partly «rrtf%?P^cn ; f%I I
with undue bias i
Partiality ( ) n. undue bias
c^t% c*rhffi I
Partible ( ) adj. separable
3J5f%?r nsfl I
Participant ( ) adj. sharing
C’TUI I — n. a partaker I
Participate ( ) v. t. to partake,
to have a share ; »f i — v. i. f,
^ I Participation n. ^t«l
Participial ( ) adj. of the nature
or formed from a participle *ftf
Participle ( ntR?f5f^®l[ ) «. a form of verb
having the nature of an adjective
- f?, ’5r»TUtfn^i f^?i n? I