সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৭৬

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 559 J


complete in itself ^ -sit^FlS

'51^’T ; ipL) the marks ( ) used to mark off a word phrase or a

sentence ^ I Parenthetic,

— al adj. expressed in a parenthesis »

Parhelion ( ) n. a bri^^lit liglit seen

near the sun ^|5l ; { pi- )


Pariah ( ) n. one vlu) lias lost his caste I

social outcaslc I Pariah-

dog < I

Parietal ( ) adj. pertaining to a

wall I — n. one of the bones of

the skull I I

Paring ( ) n. act of cutting off,

rind i

Parish ( ) n. an ecclesiastical dis-

trict under a pastor

I — adj. belonging to a parish I

Parisian ( ) <^dj. relating to Paris

cnf^6 I — n. a

native of Paris I

Parity ( ) fi- rescml)la]K:e, ccjuality,

analogy i

Park ( ) n. a grass field, a piece of

ground enclosed for recreation

I — V. t. to enclose ; C^^iT «!P‘^ I to leave a car in park 5Tt^ I — n. area assigned for motor- cars Sic. to wait in ^U) iti i

Parking n. fllfl


Parky ( ^tf% ) adj. ( slang ) chilly as of air I

Parlance ( ) n. conversation

'sn^rtn i

Parley ( ) v, i. to speak with another

5 ; to confer on some point 1 — n. talk ; a conference

with an enemy, ^1515 I I'o

beat a parley i

Parliament ( ) n. the supreme legis- lature I I

Parliamentary ( ) adj. la^fiiing i<a

parliament, i pcri-iining t<>

or enacted by parbamcjit I

Parlour ( ) n. m ordiiciiy sining mkhu

of a family i i

Parlous ( 'pft^ ( & ) adj. t'lii.urcsonn:

Parochial ( -'1 ) ad/. of or

relating to a j)arisli

restricted williiji narrow

limits — of scnlirncnts and la.sies

  • {4 ^t‘T< ;

til ; ^5^1 ^3^5 ^5T*t tl^


Parody ( ) 7K an imiialion of a ])ociu

to produce a ridiculous e/feci

’I? r-t^T

<75^ci I — V. t. to niak(' a * ]>.irody I I

Parole f C^i3;-^’c=T n word of luouili .

^5rHH I —ndj. verbal

Paronym ( ) ;;. a >vo;(l huviiig

the same sounds ])ul difiVrcul njeajruig and spelling

Pair, Parc ; Bear, Bare.

Parotitis ( ) n. mumps 5f1i5T

C5!f?t?r, >

Paroxysm ( ) n. a violent fu of paitv a fit, of -passion Ct>l| i

He burst out into a paroxysm of rage

5»1 1

Parricide ( ) fi- the murder of a

parent Pl^ ?1 ^'51 i Parricidal ndj.

Parrot ( ) n. a bird with hooked bill