সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৪৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 32 ]


C^9 I —tration n. I To submit or refer

to arbitration I

Arboriculture ( ) n. the culture

of trees {Arbor =={rct) I

Arbour ( ) n. a bower



Arc ( ) n. 'd segment of a circle

^’n-T I

Arcade ( ) n. a walk having arches

over 511

"rfift I

Arcadian ( ) ?i. a native of Arcadia^

an ideal rural region of Greece, hence an ideal rustic

I — adj. pastoral, simple, as

Arcadian bliss ^t?9!l?II I

Arcanum ( ) n. a mystery 'O^ ;

I pi. Arcana.

Arch ( ) fi. cons tRict ion in a brick or

stone building in the form of a segment of a circle

I — ed

adj. «l¥l I •— way=

Arch ( ^{1^ ) adj. chief a«f1^ ( ),

C^IC^T an arch enemy — f^*r1^, W I

Archaeology ( ) n. the seience

of ascertaining the histoiy of mankind by the study of ancient remains <^«f| f65ic5ii^i5i W

I — legist n.

I — logical adj.

Archaic ( ) adj. obsolete

I — chaism ( — ) n.

I — use ac?rt^T i

Archangel ( ) n. a chief angle

fififtJT I

Archbishop ( ) n. chief bishop

Archdeacon ( ) n. a chief deacon

( s?1^5r ) I

Archer ( ) n. one who shoots with a

bow I — y n. art of shooting with

a bow I

Archetype ( ‘he original

pattern or model ^ l

Archipelago ( ) n. a sea con- taining many islands '»1C^Wl?l s|^|


Architect ( ) n. a cliicd' builder

I — tecture ( ) n. the

science of building >T5f|

I tectural,

—tectonic adj. f »151 i

Archives ( ) ;/. a place where the

government records are kept ;

(pi.) public records 5#f?l ; vf#t?ri

^^ I

Arctic ( ) adj. relating to the extreme


i Arctic circle— i -ocean

I — regions— c^*r i

Ardent ( ) adj. hot ; passionate

^151, ^St5l?r1 ; zealous ®5f,

I — dency u. eagerness l—ly adv. ^5 I Ardent

spirits=^5l 5iJf I

Ardour ( ) u. warmth, eagerness

«ri^i%, ^51^, I

Arduous ( ) adj. diOicult to accom- plish, laborious i

— ly adv . — ^ness n. I

Are ( ) plural of is, sec Am 1^5,

^ I

Area ( ) n. an open surface

il^ ; the superficial contents of a georiie

trical figure


Areca ( ) n. a genus of palm such as

betel-nut i