BADISH— CHAIT. 85 252. Hadish. Ji mula b^riba dupatate chin. The radish that will grow large, you will know when it has spread but two leaves. 253. Jack fruit. «(t^ lf^^l ^^ ^t^^ "^w."^ ^^^ I Dhan puriya kathal patar talate lukal. The biggest jack fruit of all, i.e.j that one worth a purd of dhan, lay hidden underneath the leaves. This proverb is applied to those who hide their light under a bushel. 254- Ndhar. Naharat kaio sakathi ? Is there any better wood than Nahar ? ^^ (Nahar) the iron wood of India {Mesua ferrea). 255. Chait,
- ttc«T r^ 5'^ ^^ ^'5r -^^ I
Pale hi Chat dhan bam kat. The month of Chait has arrived, where shall I sow the paddy ? Here F^=^5if (Chaitra). The month of Chat or Chaitra is from about the 15fch March to the 15th April, or about a full month before the commencement of the ploughing season. The sowing of ahu dhan commences from MdgJi. The man who has spent his time in doing nothing when it is too late thus complains.