INEVITABLE-ON BEING TAKEN TO TASK FOR A TRIFLING FAULT. 39 105. levitable. চাপৰিলে মেঘ এবাব নে? Chaparile megh eraba ne, Can a rain cloud be avoided by bending down ? 106. Neven waste a moment. যাৰ খবৰ জীবৰ মন, বহােতেও আজোৰে বন। Jar khabar jibar man, Bahoteo ajore ban. Fle who has a mind to thrive, Scratches up grass, even when sitting down. খবৰ জীবৰ মন literally, the mind for eating and living. The proverb means that people who wish to succeed, should never waste a moment, which may be devoted to work. The grass referred to is that growing in a man's garden or field. 107. Working to amity. জেঠেৰি বৈনায় হাল, কিহৰ পাল এ পাল। Jetheri bainai hal, Kihar pal e pal. . what turns are there in the ploughings of brothers-in-law. জেঠেৰি= a wife's elder brother. বৈনাই= a younger sister's husband. পাল is the word usually applied to a turn of any kind of duty. হাল, literally, plough. 108. On being taken to task for a trafting fault. জগৰ বা লগীলাে কি, মাতত হাঁহ কনি দি। Jagar ba lagalo ki, Mato ha(n)h kani di, Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ® -
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