সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৩৪

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে



আই গৈছিল গোঁসাই ঘৰলৈ,
ময় গৈছিলো লগত,
আখৈ কলা খাবলৈ পাই,
তাতে হলো ভকত।
Ai gaichhil gosain gharalai,
Mai goichhilo lagat,
Akhai kala khábalai pái,
Táte halo bhakat.

My mother went to the house of the gosain,
I accompanied her.
When I got "ákhai” and plantains to eat,
I became a “bhakat.”

 Perhaps this is a hit at the "bhakats.” Apparently, the qualification for admission to the “sattra” as a “bhaktat” is to be able to appreciate fried paddy (ákhai) and plantains.




আপোনাৰ মন যেনে,
আতাইকে দেখে তেনে,
জানো মন অতাইৰে একে।
Áponar man jene,
Átáike dekhe tene,
Jáno man atáire eke.

He thinks that every body else's mind is like his own,
As if the minds of all are alike.

 The proverb is interesting as illustrating the use of জানো। This literally means, I know. In conversation, however, জানো often means, I doubt, almost I dont believe you.




খাইছে আখৈয়া গেমে ধান দিছে এদোন।
Kháichhe ákhaiyá gome dhán dicche edon.

 He is bitten by a poisonous snake (ákhaiyá gom) and he gives one don of Indian corn, that is to say, to the ojha or quack doctor.