65 41. STOPPAGE OF MENSTRUATION. _1. The root of Aggachita (Plumbago Rosea) | should be roasted in fire of husks of paddy and then boiled with pepper. If this is taken for three days | during the menses, there will be no menses for the whole life. 2. Menstruation is also stopped if powdered husked rice is taken mixed with two tolds of the fluid-extract of Saatra fruit, while in monthly flow. 42. CAUSING MISFORTUNE TO A Co-WIFE. 1. If the leaves and the roots of the Mahamn and the parasitic Rag battaala grown on it, are collected on the eighteenth lunar mansion, and rubbed on the body of the co-wife, it will cause misfortune to her. 2. The same effect is produced by rubbing the leaf of Raghamala alone on a Tuesday. 83. CAUSTNG QUARRELS. 1. The seeds of Saund and bogore plums, if kept together in one's house, will cause frequent quarrel in that house, 2. Quarrel is also caused if the root, the leaf and the fruit of sa&& are put together in a house. The quarrel ceases on their removal. CHAPTER. IX. 44. REMovAL OF IMPEDIENTS, ETC. 1. At the commencement of every action the Sarba- bighninashan mata” (No, 40) should be mattered fifty times; this will remove all impediments.
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