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পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৬৭

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

55 65. CAUSING OF MENSTRUATION. 1. The excreta of a house pigeon, if taken by a woman, mixed with honey, will cause her menstxuation. 2. The same result will be cbtained when doob grass is taken ground with equal quantity of husked rice. | 66, THE MYSTICAL DIAGRAM,

  • 1. The jaatna should be written with g070chaa& on

the bhut1*77a7pat0% with the name of a woman recorded on it. When it is placed under the Karana (Oleander) plant, she is sure to get menses, 2. The same result is obtained by taking a China rose (hibiscus) ground with water and clarified butter. র | 67. ABORTION. 1. The vagina becomes relaxed when sesamum oil mixed with salt is thrown in it. If the same substance is taken internally semen is not retained in the womb, as it causes flow of blood. 2. If a twig of castor plant, eight fingers in length, is inserted in the vagina, it causes abortion of a fetus four months old.. 3. Abortion is also caused if a pregnant woman takes one tole of the mixture, made of the root of Agachta (Semicarpus Anacardium) ground with the root of Pachatta (Vitex Aegundo) plant, of the consistency of honey. 68. STOPPAGE OF THE MENSTRUAL FLOw. 1. The menstrual flow is stopped by plastering the vagina with a paste, made by grinding husked rice with the outer cover of a bulb of the water-lily. 2. The same result is obtained if boiled 20aat@eala (phaseologus radiatus) is taken with the paste of white sandal and clarified butter.