CHAPTER VIII. 63. CA USING IMPOTENCY. | 1. A man becomes impotent if a black hairy cater- pillar is buried in the place of his urination. The removal of the caterpillar from that place restores his potency again. | 2 If a man is made to take a burnt aquatic icech mixed with cream of milk, he becomes impotent. The flower of thornapple taken internally acts as an antedote. 64. CLOSING AND OPENING OF THE VAGINA. 1. The root of cocoanut plant and dust from the left foot of a woman should be collected on the previous day and tied together in a piece of cloth, and charmed with the Jonibandhan 202@ata; the Chitachiti mat7@ should then be auttre one hundred and eight times over it, It will remove her sexual desire and will also stop menstruation. | Orris root, cardamom and white sandal wood should be ground together and made into a paste with which the vagina should be washed, and the woman should be made to drink water charmed with the Brajamusthi maoa by uttering it seven times. It acts as an ante- dote. [ a. A man who throws on the vagina the powder of cardamom seeds mixed with the fire-fly reduced to powder, will alone be able to cohabit with the woman, and none else. | But if the vagina is washed with churned milk, it will be restored to its original state,
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