49. CosuTTCs. 1. The filaments of Nagesupu, (Mesna Roxburghei), the roots of lemon grass and St&sha (Acacia Sirisa), leaf of cocoanut plant should be ground and reduced to powder; there will be no perspiration if this powder is rubbed over the body. 2. The rcot of lemon grass, the black aloe, and bay- leaf taken in equal proportion should be ground and made into a paste; it will emit sweet scent when the .body is rubbed with this paste. 50. To MAKE THE MOUTH SELL SWEET. 1. Buffalo m lk, turmeric and red sandal should be ground into a paste and used as Cosmetic; it will beau- tify the face. 2 Lentils should be ground with honey and the face should be anointed with it for seven days; then the face will look beautiful. 3. If the thorn of the silk-cotton tree ground with milk is rubbed for eight days, on the face and the body, it will cure the painful boils and will make the face fragrant and beautiful. 4. The white mastard seel and sesamum should be ground in milk, and the mouth plasteied with it for seven days; this will prevent the slavering. 51. BFAUTIFYING THE HAIR. 1. Clarified butter, extract of Bhagaraja (Eclipta prostrata) and its root and sweet oil should be taken in equal parts and boiled till it is reduced to its one-third volume. This should thenbe kept in a new earthen receptacle which should be kept buried under the earth with its mouth closel. then it should be taken
পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৫৫