সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:জেবিয়ান ১৯৫৮.djvu/১৫৮

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে

ting one another. Thus this kingdom under Nebuchadnezzar reached the pinnacle of success on all sides. After then, Daniel predicted that this proud empire would be defeated and would be taken by another new power.

 The breast and arms of the image represent the second-world empire, that is Media-Persia which was inferior to the Babylonian empire and which defeated the king of Babylon.

 At first there was a small kingdom by the name Persia. Cyrus, the great general of Persia led an expedition with a strong army and entered into the city of Babylon through the underground paths constructed by removing the water of the river Euphrates most skilfully. In this way he conquered this vast Babylonean empire. Then Persia and Media were united and thus formed the most powerful empire by the name Media-Persia.

 This Media-Persia became more powerful and between 538 and 331 B.C. Darius, the Mede extended his empire to India who attacked the western parts of India during the time of Bimbisar. But still this empire was inferior to Babylon.

 The belly and the thighs of the image were of brass which represent the third-world empire of Greece, which ruled over many countries. Within five years, Alexander the Great led an expedition conquering one country after another and at last his innumerable brave soldiers conquered the great empire of Media-Persia and thus formed the third world empire. This great hero entered into India also through the Khaibar Pass and came up to the bank of the Jhelum in the Punjab.

 The legs of the image were of iron and its feet were of partly iron and clay which represent the fourth-world empire of Rome. This world empire was as strong as iron. Under the strong iron-like Roman rule all the di- fferent races, kingdoms and states formed out of those former three great empires of gold, silver and brass were broken into pieces as iron breaks brittle clay-mixed iron.

 Out of this great Roman empire sprang out many unconnected sepa- rate small kingdoms. Thus this fourth world empire or Roman empire was divided into many states which would remain up to the end of the world. This was shown by the feet of the image which were formed by iron and clay. Moreover this represents that some states would be strong and powerful like iron and some states would be weak like clay. The king saw in his dream the iron mixed with miry clay and likewise many states would try to unite