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The Five World Empires

ANADI RAM BORUAH, 2nd year I. Sc.

Historical Prophecies

 In ancient time there was a great and powerful empire by the name the 'World Kingdom of Babylon'. In about B. C. 607 there was a famous

king by name Nebuchadnezzar who came to Jeru- salem and besieged it. He brought a large booty and captives from Jerusalem.

 Daniel the great prophet was taken as a cap- tive. He was a mere boy then. The king of Babylon selected four children of Israel to teach them Chaldean language and to give skilful wisdom, knowledge and understanding. These children were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah who were called in Babylon by the names Belteshazzar, Sha- drach, Meshach and Abed-nego respectively.

 Daniel was quite a different type of boy, al- ways pure in character, holy in thought and action. He used to pray to God even from his child- hood. Also he had a keen memory, power of understanding and a treasure of uncommon divine words of scriptures. He lived a life of a mendicant and a vegetarian, sometimes fasting and praying to God for long many hours. Thus he was favoured by God with an extraordinary power to interpret dreams and visions. So Daniel with his three friends were allowed to stay in the king's palace.

 At that time the kingdom of Babylon was the most powerful, pros- perous and extensive kingdom in the world. It had a vast army, chariots and horses and the best kind of arms and weapons of that time.