সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:ঘোৰা নিদান.djvu/৯৯

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


 Medicine-Give internally.

 1. One pot of milk (about 4 seers), one pot of gur (about 4 seers), and one seer of powdered Bhang, all boiled together and given in 21 days in equal doses.

 2. One Barali fish boiled and cleaned of all the bones mixed with one powa of mustard oil to be given daily.

 3. Naga Pan 9 leaves and chilli powder 2 tolas to be given daily, for a month.

 4. One fowl cooked or boiled with some paddy and pulses with all the spices to be given daily for 21 days. This improves the speed also.

 5. Seed of makot 1/2 powa, bark of Torua kodom 1/2 powa, chilli 1/2 powa, salt 5 tolas, and Lonka 2 tolas to be made into a paste and given internally each day.

 6. Put the following in an earthen pot, close tightly the mouth and bury it in a heap of paddy for 8 days then take it out, and give 8 tolas of its content daily to eat.

 Long pepper 4 tolas, Chitta 4 tolas, coriander seed 4 tolas, Jani 4 tolas, Banjoni 4 tolas, turmeric 4 tolas, Gokhur Kanta 4 tolas, Gur 4 tolas, Orris 2 tolas, sugar 2 tolas, Assafoetida 2 tolas, Bhutan salt 4 tolas, Ujonia salt 4 tolas, common salt 4 tolas, Parolalati 4 tolas, Barongguti 4 tolas and Pilas seed 4 tolas.

 N. B.-The above medicine is administered for the improvement of general health by the cure of diseases specially of the bowels including costiveness, flatulence gripes, worms, all kinds of rheumatism and sprain,