18 অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ভাষাতত্ত্ব Meanig. Dervation. Assamese words. Daba Daba Dama =kettle-drum. Tglas =a wrapper. V.Adambara (=kettle-drum) Eng & Dutch--drum ( =a musical Instrument covered at both ends of a cylinder). Ger. -trommel (a drum). L.--tela (=a web), texela from texere | (=to weave). Cf Eng.-texture. Kach.tetas (=a Wrapper ). Gk.-Deo ( =Sky God). V.--Dydvd (=Sky), Gk.--Zeus pater =L.--Jupiter =V, -dyaushpitar ( =the sky, the | father). S. dyu (=sky), Himalayan Kalita -Deota (=sky and earth God). Deuta | =sky, cloud. cf. “Baisaga | mahate Santi Deutare gajani । Tak dekhi matsya- | gane dharila ujani" । --Santi Baramahi. “Maghi saptamir | opare deu । Beha eri nangal karäseu'। Dak. =ghost, evil spirit, dcinon. =to bring forth young. to calve, ( said of cattl). De। peo Dhen di Nao ০। Niva Zend. --Daa ( = fiend, demon, vil spirit). v Dhed (=1 much cow)। A.S. ৫anian=Eng et (=-10 biing forth young). V, navali, nau =S.--nal (=d bo ). 0k. ne-o, nt-( == a boat). L no, nato ( =a boat) and nais (=a ship) | ( Eng --naval. 1.--firma, firnua১=Eng farm. -d boat, Pam =Residence and cul- tivation at a distance from home =the young of din | animal of bird Poali Ban =work, task. L -Ptellas, puella (=a boy, a girl) | and pullis (=the young of an animal). S _pan (=to negotiate). Gk. poli-() ( =work, task) and pole ( == to toil, to work hard). V -Savanam (=work: Rk. 1, 31.2), & Vana (=trouble : Rk. I. 67.1), Mina =enamel of gold. Markuchia =a demon that causes death of infants. =name of a place, or river. --ind (=ornament of gold ). V.--mand (=gold ornament : cf sacd mana kiranyayd: Rk. Vill 78.2). Zend.Mahrkusa (the demon that sends the deadly winter). V.-Rasd ( =name of a river : Rk. I. 112.12). Zend.Raiha (=name of a river). Raha Ibid.. Vol. IV, p. 85.
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