INTRODUCTION II Assamese Worls. Meaning. Derivation. AL =feeding, nursing. cf ald h a ra ( =an attendant on a Kevalia ). tkah =an eagle. =to float down, to flood. Uruli =thrilling sound ut- tered by women in concert (on auspi- cious occasions). =end. Or Kalla =cow calf. L. -alo (=to nourish). | L.-alumnus (=nursed, nursing). | l almus (=nourishing, genial). S.Fal (=to grow, to make grow, to nourish). I -Aquila (=an eagle). Eng.-eagle. S.--Utkrosan (=an eagle). Pal-Ukkusa (=eagle), | L.--Unda (=a wave). Gk. hudor (=a wave of water), V.Udplu (=causing water to flow : swimming or splashing in water). S.-.Udipa ( =high water, inundation, flood) from unda ( =water). L.--Ululo (=to howl). Gk.Olo-luo ( =how!). Eng.-Howl, V-Ulalik (=howling). L.---Ora (=border, margin). Dr--Oram (=border, brim). Guj. & Marathi--“Kor", Dan,--Kali (=a calf), Gr. Kalb (=a calf) Eng.Calf (properly the young of the cow or bovire genus of | quadrupeds). s--Kalya (=a cow fit for bull). Gk -Gerys (=voice) and geryo (I _ proclaim). S.-২gar (=to shout, to praise). Goth.EKala (=to call). Eng. Call. L-Cava (=a cavity, a den) from | Cavus (=hollow). S.--sahvara (=a cave, abyss, cavern | from gah (=a cave). V juhva (=fire), Gk.--daio, dedaumai (=to burn). Cj. S.-Jamuitra=Gk. diametron. S.-dova (=conflagration) from du (=to burn), L. genetric (=mother). Gkyung (Emother). V. & s. an (=mother, woman). Zend.lah (sa courteoan) (a is | probably a derivative suffix), Zend.-Jahikaryam (=of a whore). Gk-Daky (=bitten) from dak (to bite) s-drqa (bitten). Pr. akko, datta, (=bitten : Hemc. 2/2) Geri =shout. Ghopa =hollow, Cavern. Jui =fire. Jani =lit, mother, woman, (a feminine termi- nation), =bastard. Jahara pak =to bite, (esp. by a snake). 1 “Sacred books of the East"Darmesteter, Vol. xxiII, p. 47, 2 Ibid., Vol. I, p. 278; probably not from s. Jara.
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