সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯৩৭

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


Order standing — f Ordinance— i Organization — i Own — I Owner — >

Ownership— i


Pardon— (

Parliament — I Party — ’TV i Partnership — i Pass — I Passed— i Passport — *rf^’13S i Patents — I Pay— I Peace— -^tf^ i Pecuniary jurisdiction —

Penalty— »fTf% l Pending — i Pension— »

People — I Permission — i Permit— i Perpetual Succession — ’St5['®,


Perquisite — ’Tf^arf^ i Person— l Personal law — l Petition— '5^t% I Piracy— i Plead— ^^taT=r i

Pleader — i Police— I Police force — i Police station — >

Policy of insurance — I Port quarantine — i Possession — ^^*1, l

Posts— ■qtf, I

Power — »rf^ I Preamble— i Preference — i Prejudice— a®1?[ i Preside — i Presiding officer — i Preventive detention —

Prime Minister— i Prison— CV®! i Prisoner— i Privileges — i Procedure — i Process— 'Srtrwfwi i Proclamation — i Proclamation of emergency —

Production— ^^♦ft*r5T i Profession— 9%, C^W1 • Profit— I Prohibited — i Prohibition — writ of —

Promisor)' note-

< 1 ,^ ’la I

Promulgate — i Propagate— «irr^ i Property — i Proportional representation —

Proposal — I Prorogue — i Prosecution —


Provided — f Provident fund — <sf^?r I

Province— 2ft^, actr»T I Provision — i Pioxy— I Publication — i Public Debt — tx«i i

Public demands —

Public health— i Public notification —

c»Tt^ I

Public order— i Public Service-Commission — c^rtv I

Public Services— C»T1^ CW1 i Punish— if'O fif?1 i Purporting to be done —

vfeC’51'5 t


Qualification — ^t51 i Quarantine — I Question of Law — i Qurourn — I Quo warranto — i


Railway — c^»T i Ratification — i Ratify— W^^rs^5T i Reading, first— £f«f«r ♦fi?? i Reading, second— i Reading, third — i Receipt— aT% I Receipt (paper) — i Recommend— i Recommendation — i Record — i Record, court of —

flJtirtaTU I

Record of rights —


Recruitment — tgf^ I Recurring — i Redemption — i Redemption charges —


Reference — i Reformatory — ^HT^TwiTI i