[ XV ]
heu pietas, heu prisca fldes ( L ) Alas for piety ! alas for the ancient faith i !
hie et ubique ( L ) Here and every where ^3i5r»ri i
hoc anno ( L ) In this year i
hominibus plenum, amicis vacuum ( L ) Full of men, empty of friends I
homme de fortune ( Fr ) Rich men c»rT^ I
homo homini lupus ( L ) man is a wolf to man »TGP I
homo sum, human! nihil a me alienum puto
( L ) I am a man, I count nothing human indifferent to me
homo unius libri ( L ) A man of one book 5itat f^^tn *ffl c^t^, i
honi soit qui mal y pense ( Fr ) The shame be his who thinks ill of it ftf
honneur et patrie ( Fr ) Honour and native land i
honores mutant mores ( L ) honours change manners I
hostis honor! invtdia ( L ) An enemy’s hatred is an honour *rap^ i
humanum est errare ( L ) to err is human
ibidem ( L ) In the same place, thing or case >
idem ( L ) The same id est ( L ) i. e. That is l ignoratio elenchi ( L ) The fallacy of ignor- ing the main point ( ^
3if% ^srft ^1 ( oft^ ) I
ignoratio legis neminem excusat ( L ) Ignor- 114
ance of the law excuses no body Gft^ c^rt^c^ I
il penseroso ( L ) The pensive man C»!t^ I
impasse ( L ) An insoluble difficulty
impedimenta ( L ) luggage i
imperium in imperio ( L ) a government within government i)?p »rf>l5T
in esse ( L ) in fact nrr5»irt5, ip'dr® i in extenso ( L ) extensively i
in flagranti delicto ( L ) In the very act of committing the crime sptrts <f^i 1
in memoriam ( L ) In memory i
in re ( L ) In the matter f^^ni » in situ ( L ) In the original situation a<fiT I
in stain quo ( L ) In the former state aitiK
inter alia ( L ) Among other things
inter arma silent legis ( L )
^5r»T I
inter nose ( L ) Between ourselves
inter se ( L ) Amongst themselves 1
in toto ( L ) Entirely i
intra muros ( L ) Within the walls ;
in transitu ( L ) On the passage ivf arfr^Tctg,
ipse dexit ( L ) He himself said it fsiaR qs^^CTTS ; resting on bare authority, ipso facto ( L ) Virtually nt^nn^l i ira furor brevis est ( L ) rage is a mad- ness in short ai1 I