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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯১৬

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

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P.S. Post scriptum, postscript.

Pseud, pseudonym.

Pt. platinum (chcm.).

P.T.O. Please turn over.

Pu. Plutonium (chem ).

P. W.D. Public Works Department, pwt, pennyweight.

Q, query, question.

Q.B. Queen’s Bench.

Q.C. Qjicen’s Counsel.

q. cl, quagi dicat, as if he should say. q. e. quod est, which is.

q. e. d. quod crat demonstrandum, which was to be demonstrated.

q,e.f. quod erat faciendum, which was to be done.

Q. M.G. Quartermaster General.

Q«. quartos.

qt. quantity.

q. v, quod vide, which see.

R. rex, regina. King, Queen,

Ra. radium (chem.).

R.A. Rear Admiral.

R.A.F. Royal Air Force.

Rb. rubidium (chem.).

R.C, Red Gross.

Rd. Road, reed, received, reept. receipt, ref. reference.

Rep. representative ; republic.

R.F. Republique Francaise, French Republic. Rgt.' Regiment, rhet. rhetoric, rly. railway.

Rom. Cath. Roman Catholic.

r. p.s. revolutions per second.

Rs. Rupees.

R,S.V,P, repondez s’il vous plait (Fr.)., reply., if you please.

Rt. Hon. Right Honourable.

By. railway.

S. South ; seconds, sun.

S. sulpher (chem.).

Sb. stibium, antimony (chem.).

Sc. Scandium (chem.).

Sc. D. Scientiae Doctor, Doctor of Science. Scot. Scotland ; Scottish.

Script. Scripture.

s. d. sine die, without delay.

Se, selenium (chem.).

Sec., Secy, Secretary.

sec. secundum, in accordance with ; second ;


Sec. secant.

SI, silicon (chem.). sig. signature.

Sin. sine.

S.J. Society of Jesus.

Sn. stannum, tin (chem.).

S.P.C.A. Society for the Prevention of cruelty to animals.

sq„ sqr. square ; sequens, following, sqn. squadron.

sr. senior.

Sr, strontium (chcm.) .

ss. saints.

S.S. steamship ; screw steamer.

St, saint ; strait ; street, sub. subject, suf., sujf. suffix, supp., suppl. supplement.

Supt. Superintendent,

S. V, Sancta Virgo, Holy Virgin.

sym. symbol.

syn. synonym, syst. system.

Ta. tantalum (chem.).

tan. tangent. *

Tb. terbium (chcm.).

T. B, tuberculosis.

tech, technical ; technology, tel., telcg. telegram, telegraph, temp, temperature.