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Ex., Exod., Exodus.
F. Fahrenheit.
F, fluorine.
f. following; farthing; fernmine; foot; forte.
F.AM. Free and Accepted Masons.
F.A.O. Food and Agriculture Organisation.
F.B.A. Fellow of the British Academy.
F.B.l. Federal Bureau of Investigation, fcp., fcap., foolscap.
F.D., Lat. Fidei Defensor^ Defender of Faith.
Fe, ferrum, iron. (chem). fem. feminine, feud, feudal, fig. figure, figuratively, fin. ad finem, at the end.
F.M. Field-Marshal, fol. folio.
f.o.b, free on board.
f. p, freezing point.
Fr. France, French.
F.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians,
F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
F. R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society, ft. foot, feet.
fur. furlong (s).
g, gramme; genitive.
Ga, gallium, (chem).
G. A. General Assembly- Gael. Gaelic.
gal. gallon.
G.B, Great Britain.
G.B.E. Grand Cross of the British Empire.
g.c.m., G.C.M. greatest common measure.
Gd, gadolinium, (chem.).
Ge, germanium (chem.) .
Gen. Genesis; General, gen. gcnci , genitive, genus, gcog. geography.
geol. geology.
geom. geometry.
Ger. German.
G.H.Q. General Headquarters.
G.I. (U. S. Army) government issue — hence common soldiers.
Gk. Greek.
Gl, glucinum. (chem.). gm. gramme.
G.M.T. Greenwich Mean time.
G.O.C. General Officer Commanding.
G.P.O. General Post-Office.
G. S. General Staff, gg. guineas.
H. hydrant.
H, hydrogen, (chem.).
hr. hour.
h.a. hoc annOf this year.
H.B.M. His Britannic Majesty.
H.C,F. Highest common factor.
He, helium, (chem).
H.E. His Excellency; His Eminence.
Heb. Hebrew, hf. half.
H.F. high frequency.
Hg, hydrargyrum, mercury, (chem.).
H.H. His (or Her) Hignness. hist, historian, history.
H.M. His (or Her ) Majesty.
Hod. Honourable, Honorary,
h.p. horse-power.
H.Q. Head-Quarters.
Hr. Herr, hr, hour.
H. R.H. His (or Her) Royal Highness.
I, iodine, (chem).
I.A. Indian Army.
I.A.S. Indian Administrative Service, ib., ibid, ibidem^ in the same place, i/c. incharge.
I.C.S. Indian Civil Service, id. idem, the same.
U>. Ixitcdligence Department. l.D.N.ih DaiiiomhM^ the name of God.