LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS BOOK a or adj. - adjective ns. nouns abbr. -- abbreviation, abbreviated. opp. = opposite ad , adv. - adverb. orig. originally. alg. - algebra, algebraical, algebraically. pa. = participle adjective. ar. =article. part. - participle. arith. - arithmetic. phon. - phonetics. astr. - astronomy. pl. - plural astrol. - astrology. poss. a. - possessive adjective. astron. astronomy. p.p. - past participle. B: - Bible, pr. -pronoun. bot. - botany. pr. adj. - present participle adjective. C. Circa, p. a. past participle adjective. cal. or colloq. -- colloquial, colloquially. p. as. - participle adjectives. eom. - comparative. pred. adj. - predicative adjective. con. - conjunction. pref. * prefix. contr. -contraction, prep. - preposition. corrupt.- corruption, corrupted. pres. - present. def. ar. - definite article. Prob. - probably, dim. - diminutive. Pron. -pronoun. eg., -as for example. Pr. p.-present participle. Electr -electricity. Pr, 1. - present tense. Eng English. pt past tense. es p. - especially R. C. = Roman Catholic. fem. - feminine. S.-South. fig. figurative, figuratively. Cans. -Sanskrit. geog. - geography, geographical, geographically. Sim.- Similarly. gram. - grammar, grammatical, grammatically. sing. -singular. i,e. <that is. suff. = suffix. indef ar -indefinite article. sup. superlative. inf = infinitive. syn. - synonym. int., intj. - interjection, tr.= transitive. intr Eintransitive. v. aux. =verb auxiliary. lit = literal, literally. v. i.-verb intransitive. mas, masculine. v. it. verb transitive. math. mathematics, mathematical. y. i. & 1. = verb intransitive and transitive. mathematically. viz. -namely. myth. - mythology, mythological. V 1.-verbal noun. nnoun. v. 1. & i.-verb transitive and intransitive,
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