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পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৭৮৪

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 767 ]

Saasire ( ) adj. periuasive Suaye ( C15tr«^ ) adj. pleasant, soothing

frr»r yir? i

Suayity ( ) n. pleasantness irt<(^,

softness I

Sab (rt^ ) n. ( Coll. ) a subordinate

C»rt^ ; subsistence money, a special allow- ance f??i I

Subacid ( ) adj. somewhat acid

dr^i I

Subacrid { ) adj. moderately ptm-

gent or bitter W»l1 l

Subagent ( Bt^-oq’rw^ ) n. one employed by an agent to represent him

Subaltern ( ) adj. subordinate

I — n. a military officer below the rank of captain Wsr¥ I

Subaqueous ( ) adj, lying

under water I

( L. jttft=undcr ; water ).

Subdiyide ( ) v. t. to divide

again into smaller division

w, ^ 'stu ^ i

Subdiyision ( ) n, a smaller

division, as of a district f^tsr^ ’!(TT fatvtsf I Subdiyislonal

adj. Iff »TWlRtl 'fV m I

Subdue ( ) V. t. to bring under con- trol, to conquer ^*r ♦R'tys I

Subduer n. i

Sub-editor ( ) n. an assistant

editor I

Subduable cdj. that may be subdued ^*f ♦nil I

Subject ( Ft^-CW^$ ) n. one under the con- trol of another C»lt^, «Wl, ^tlf^ ;

that of which anything is said in a discourse ; a topic,

matter I —adj, subordinate

liable Ftft I — o. t,

to make subordinate ut^st W^TI

^ ; to subdue ^ ^ j

to make liable to I Subject

niatter=’8m:»lt57 f^^ir i Subject to trlal=

I Subject to the conditions »«iit <1)1 fsiiir ^f?


Subjection ( ) n. the act of sub-

duing W?f3?TFl, I

Subjective ( Ft^:-cWf-fl>«; ) adj. relating lo the thought or feeling 'Ut^ I

( opp. to Objective ).

Subjoin ( to fix or annex to

add at the end cyifsr C^, C*lf^

  • rt5^ cz I

Sub-judice ( ) (L) under considera- tion ZU Cl^tFl Zit I

Subjugate ( to bring under power, to conquer OfZ WZ,

ziz, wsfiT I

Subjugation ( ) n. act of being conquered or brought under power

Subjunctive ( ) adj. subjoined

^^1 ; denoting a mood expressing condition

Sublease ( Ft^-t^W ) v. t. to lease out to another by a tenant ♦fJttiT Wtsf

tairr^ cw I

Sublet ( Ft^-C^'i> ) V. t. to lease by one tenant to anotljer ♦Rl Bltlptt»r

«t^1 cw I

Sublimate ( ) v. t. to refine, to exalt C*nt<R itt»if^r catFl-

qirn nf^*r^ C<rt& zz) i Sublima-

tion n. Sublimate of mercury =corrosive sublimate ZZ I

Sublime ( ) abj. majestic, high, lofty cart, m ^ I — n.

that which is lofty in thought or style