সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৬৪৬

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


t 629 1


pressing forward

Pusillanimous ( ) xidj. want-

ing firmness of mind, cowardly

I Pusillanimity n. ^^^1 i Puss ( ) n. a familiar name for a cat

I Pussy n. diminutive of Puss^c^l^^Tt^ I

Pustular, Pustulous ( ) adj.

having pustules l

Pustule ( ) n. a small pimple con- taining pus «l^1 ; anything

like a pustule I

Put (^§) V. t. to lay, to place ^t<f, ; to

offer ; to propose ; to apply

«[ll1 ; to slate ^ I {pa. t.

and pa p. Put ) .

Put, Putt ( <^i5“ ) V. i. or V. t. strike golf ball gently with club ^2P[tP'

I — n. stroke at golf-ball aU) I

Put ( ) «. a queer person ( Slang )

a simple-

ton fSrc^tif, I

Put-off n. an excuse c?'3^, • Put a ques-

tion=?P«i1 I Put about =

^fts I Put an

end or stop to=ti5l,

I Put away = to renounce nf^tSTl^T <1 I Put back = to delay nT^tar «!( Put by--=to lay aside C?, «(i Put down=to repress

^ ; to degrade »i^ ; to silen- ce I Put for=^^

^1 I Put forth = to propose

Put forth the hand=^tt5 C'sm i Put  

forth strength--?!^ «f^«r CW^pTl i

Put in— to insert ; to appoint

tsf% I Put in fear=

^ C^ 1 (?rl Put an application c? i Put in mlnd-^^I^T^ ^t«t, cn^1i

Put off-^to defer ^1%^ ^ ;

to lay aside «f, ^Jt^T ; to

frustrate I Put in irons =^t5

I Put on=to wear ; to charge as put on the blame on another = (Tft^ C? ; to assume fsifW »T ; to impose To be put upon=^«'®tftt5 IJS ; to be imposed upon iif K i Put on trial =1%^ C^t*i I Put over = to refer

to defer ^ttf i Put out==to

expel C? ; to extinguish ; to

place at interest to extend

^?1, WHT1, ; to publish

Wtft^ I Put the case to be==i5ii i5t^ I Put out the eyes=5^5pt?,

I Put the hand lo==to begin, to engage in Of,

I Put !hrough== accomplish

I Put together^^-uivi W, >ftr?il5r I Put to

dealh^-silflrasil i Put to torture=»rtf^ C^, ^3 *11 C'f I Put to it —to distress CW I Put to &hame= wjtw c? i Put to rights =fe5?J f^f^9T I Put to sea=

to set sail^^l^l'^

Put up for salc^f»l»l1^jt5 c*f, ^<1 »

Put up — to lodge I Where do

you put up=^ w?ti5l ? To put up a notice cyf Put up the papers -=?P1V!^ I

Put up with=to bear ?lO=f ^OT «rt^ ;

to take lodgings i Put up

to=:^tV Of, ; to put

back in proper place CW i

Putage ( fa^-C^’8f ) n. adultery C^>9t^,

I Putanism i

Putamen ( ) n. hard stone of fruits

Putative ( ) adj, supposed ^-

reputed I — father =

^^■*11 ; a reputed but not real