সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৮৫

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 568 ]

^ Pegging n. the act' of

fastening with a peg "fP^

perseverance in work C^IX^TI

Pegasus ( C*TC^5 ) n. a fabulous winged

horse ^l^Tt ; a group of

stars in the northern sky 'er»ftn spiira I

Peine ( ) n. a punishment for felony by

pressing to death, C?st:si1 ^ »rtf^ •

Pekoe ( ) n. a kin I of lea f W

^ Ftf ; ^’*11 I

Pelagic ( ) adj marine, • oceanic

«f^l i

Pelf ( C*f**pF7 ) n. riches ( in a bad sense )

  • R I ’

Pelican ( ) «. a large waterfowl with a big pouch d^1 Wtt i Pellet ( ) n. a little ball, a small pill

^ »rt¥, »rt*r ; a ball of shot ^

5T¥ I

Pellicle ( ) n. a thin skin or film

Tet*r, wt^^r ; a scum FTsrf^ I Pell>nie]l ( ) adv. in great confusion

in a disorderly manner

ntt C5^

Pellucid ( ) adj. very clear, trans- parent I Pcllucidity,

Pellucidness n. '••I, ^ ^Tl i

Pelraanism ( ) «• a system of

memory culture ^<11 f^WiT I

Pelt ( cn’«% ) V. t. to strike by throwing some- thing ^ I — n. a

blow from something thrown

  • R«I, »ff%^ ; a raw skin of sheep WW?

CtFl lt»t I ( 05^ ) t

Pelting n. an assualt with anything thrown irfimwfiT,

Peltry ( ) «. skin of animals ; furs it»r ;C3rt^ i

Pelvis ( ) n. the bony cavity that

forms the lower end of the abdomen

» cart^ i

Pen ( ) n. a large feather of the wing of

a bird *ttfV ; an inurnment

for writing ; a fold for

animals i — v. t. to write ;

to shut up ^1^T1

^^1 I {pa. t. and/>tf. /^—penned ).

Pen-and-ink adj. written c»l^, i

Pen-men, Pen-woman— c»lfe^1 ; an author » Pen driver n. clerk ;

^1^1% 1 Pen-name ^pseudonym f^1 '•tRt^T, ^ I

Penal ( ) adj. pertaining to or incurr- ing punishment tT'O »rl% 1^%

Penal codc=^f5rfa I Penal servitude ^z^^ ;


Penalty ( c*R5sf»li>t ) n. punishment irtl, "llf^ ; a fine wfkiRl, i Under penalty of—

so as to suffer *rt% I

Penance ( ) «• repentance ;

any instiument of self punishment tfw? fstartF, i

Pence ( cn’tp; ) pi. of Penny.

Penchant ( ) n. a strong liking or taste, bias ?itn, I

Pencil ( ) n. an instrument ' for writing

or painting without ink

a collection of rays of

light I — z>. t. to paint or draw,


Pendant ( C*fC'9^) n. anything hanging as

an ornament apt-TS 7(]

an earring jpThll, ; a

long narrow flag yif *r5t^1 1

Pendency ( c*f’C'nfti» ) n. suspense ^Tl»

^1, I

Pendent { en’r’®^ ) adj. hanging, projecting

ffTl ; undecided t