সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৪৯৬

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


[ 479 ]

a mark made upon anything ift^l i

Marking-nut — a kind of fruit yielding a black juice used in marking cloths C^l^fl I

Marksman ( ) n. a man skilful in

shooting 35 ^ Jj'y cnt^T ^1

C^t^, I

Marl ( ) n. a rich clayr^y earth often

used as manure ^ofpg-^1

I Marlaccous adj. like marl I

Marline ( irt?r“-f^JT ) «. a small rope used in splicing is«i I

Marmalade ( ) ;;. a jam made

of the pulp of oranges

Maroon ( ) n. a fugitive Negro slave

CTt?1 C^l5!tsi I —V. t. to put

on a desolate island I

— n. crimson colour with a brownish tint ^tfe1 1

Marque ( ) 71. a license to pass the limits

of a country for making captures

f?Tl1 I A Icttcr-of-marque

or»i^ f«inc’*p f»f^l

^^1 I

Marquee ( ) n. a large field tent

^ I

Marquis ), Marquess ( )

n. a title of nobility ‘5^1

I ( Fern. Marchioness ) .

Marriage ( OlC^I'Sf” ) n. the ceremony which unites a man and woman as husband and wife fq?f1, I Marriageable adj.

suitable for marriage

1 ( see verb Marry ).

Married ( ) adj. f<^fwl, Uv t

Marrow ( C^r^’ ) n. a fatty matter in bones 5t^ *1^ ; the essence of anything


C^tr^l *ft 5 I Marrow-bones

{pi. ) n. the kness l

Marrowy ( csi'^fk ) adj. full of marrow, strong 7 ^ 7 ^ i

Marry ( ) r. t. to unite in wedlock

to give in marriage C? 1 v. i.

to take a husband or a wife f^^'l

I ( pr. p. Marrying ; pa. p. Married ). Marry ( C5U ) ivlcrj. forsooth f^r.m I

Mars ( 5[t*/ ) 77. the Roman god of war ^"i- C't^'Sl ; a planet I

Marsh ( ) «. a tract of low wet ground

a swam,]') I

Marshal ( 'flu -cm ) v. the chief military

ofiiccr who regulates the army c^^-j

C^Tsrt^f^ I — V. i. to arrange in order, to lead 59]tt I

Marshalling 71 . act of arranging in due order


Marshy ( ^tp?t ) adj. pertaining to or produced in marsli.'s I

Marsupial ( ) arij. having a

pouch for carrying young

( C^i:^ C^9P13P irtg ) I

Mart ( ) n. a j)lare of trade 1

Martcllo (' ) n. a circular fort on the

roast I

Marten ( a kind of weasel

) I

Martial ( ) adj. of or belonging to war

brave, warlike I

I Martial-law >TTsr^'®

»T1->R ,

Martin ( ) n. a bird of the swallow kind

Martinet ( ) n. a strict disciplinarian

Martingale ( ) n.

<1^1 I

Martyr ( ) «. one who suffers death for

his belief I