Duster ( 235 । Dysentery During f...11 Dwelling place !!! Duindic 125) i in larices grow feeble, 10 lira ordre 329 ২াস হ, ক্ষয় পা, ক্রমে কম , সিয়া , এনে 11 Tive- throw dust in a person's "VAS i1 person when : 777F 314 Thurst hin 11.-3147 ( 7214 my rubbish. Duster () one who removes dust gran 08:501; a brush for rentown, cius fit গুচোৱা যতন। Dusty adj. covered with (last ধূলিময়, ধূলিয়ৰি । Du!ch (1) aidi. bclonging 10 Holland or its people 99 Cita Talk like a Dutch tincle-1) rebuke with kindness মৰমেশ তিবন্ধী বশ । Dwiy (uus) n. 11. silaha is sur, tax on gruodis (wall, 42. 14, 195, 54; 1. 1it one is du do 7.7, 7271 718,
- (2a 217 la as c1:. 4« C*);
He's proper busine: 314; obrience, ?!MT6", 71; military servke fsmorfofos 1 1 Sense of duty-bas-
- Dutcou a ij. de ono to duly 1941-
94134 ; obcdicni ald, 750110*1 | Dutiable wject 10 custoin duty 414 415 1.401573! Dutiful adj. ittentive to cuty, !! : {{1.1 ওঁৰপৰায়ণ, ভক্তিমান। Dutiful. Dye (Ei! ) v. I. colour, 10 s1 7:391.4411 (pr. p. Dye-ing ; pa. p. 1),cd) :--. colour, colouring liquid *, (77, house 3 at 41 Dye-rood- প্রস্তুত কৰিপৰা কাঠ (যেন কবি কা) : Dyor $1413 ) n. we wlinse tradis (0) oluer coil:s, thus el. 777 21:21 বাসায় কৰে। ৩: 05 at ( 'i,ig :- !!! ২ja! কান ; Asting ( 118 ) art of ouring cloths
- cita বােল দিবিনা। Dye-stuff 7
7912 23:47:37! Dye-mordant :: বঙ্গ দিয়া কহ। Dying (618) p. p. of Die. --. 10:tai, expiring 9 117, 11--. ratis 47 Dying declaration.** :717 991.947.429 41470 1711171111 Dybe salucas Dike. Dynamic --al (fuzafu$-se) are in for cofas 579 . Dynamics i fuzi treats of UIT na ni D)!!!.isate 15-3-1976 !!. i form of rumeni by two persons in die ১ll!1
- :: ৫ পুৰাত ৰাম ৰাজ্ঞা সমান ক্ষমতপন্ন দুন
24 Ists (7145) lic licad loy in a class or hool (*121 714 7:57*1f454401 643); an leader 125! Pr! (Chiatt ) 1. a person or plant below lic natur১1 size কটীয়া, ঠিfংবা খাটুরা, চুটি- 31914, faci, fric, utca 1991 - 1'. 1. 1.Ender from growing Af547 341, 1999, কটায়। গা। Dwarfish, Dwarf a.d. like dwarf, short mon1, 210a1, ş.0-5193 ( 97 ) v. i. 10 live in a polies!
- , 247 (7.p. dwelled or dwell. Dwell
upon= বিস্তাৰিতৰূপে বর্ণনা কম, উথাপন কর। Dwelling 11. place of residence. aboute, falt. G.; ; f42 Dynamite (fl.). sive 11.ltcrial fact.4.1 Dynasty (hraf 115.15 kings of the same timity -32. to a Nyscrasia (CD) ::. mori ... tion of blood fluidis in the caus- ing drops, deliriun ete. *** 233 Dysentery (1755), il discose Cassing discharge of blood and this fronte