STEP-SON — TEACHER. 76 In former days salt was a luxary, and ** kharani '* is much appreciated as a relish to eat with boiled rice. ^t#=-a solution of potash. This proverb is ironical. 222. Step-son. «Jtr^ ^ ^^ ^W 5ir{5c^2c»ti I Mor po nahoy satinir po, Dhari nai pati nai matite 6bo. You are not ray son, but a son of my fellow wife, I have no *' dhdri " (rag) and no **pdU " (mat) for you, you must sleep on the ground. 223. Stolen cattle, afc^ fiT^I ^?p^ ^V^ ^tc^ f t^ I Chore nija garur bate bate gha(n)h. ' The stolen bullock finds grass along the road. All roads in Assam have grass growing on the sides upon which the cattle graze as they go along. 224. Teacher. ^GC^ ^ff^ ^1^1 ^^ c^^ ^ ^tf^ I Kelehua oja chapanija pali, Ore rati ndm gay kher jui jali. You uninvited teacher I you have found another uninvited one (chapaniya). And have lit a fire and have sung hymnj all night. Oja is also an exorcist, c^c^^^ ^^ft^t {kelehua and chapa- niya) are contemptuous terms applied to one who wishes to asso- ciate with others without being asked. The term '* chapaniya " is usually applied to a bachelor lining at the house of a man who has daughters, on the understanding that ho is to get one of the latter in marriage.
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৮৫