সমললৈ যাওক

পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৫৫

ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

Iul-GOTTEN GAINS-W ANT OF TAC. 45 126. ul-gotten gains. পাপৰ ধন প্ৰায়শ্চিত্তত যাই। Papar dhan prayshchittat jai. Money got by unfair means,goes in expiations. The প্ৰায়শ্চিত্ত is imposed by the “ gosain, or spiritual guide It consists of (a) money payment to the gosa, () penance, e) certain duties to be performed. 12. Don't use time partaking of a meal ephen it is ready. পালে চৰাই ভাঙ্গিবা পাখি, হোৱা ভাতক ন থবা ৰাখি। Pale charai bhangiba pakhi, howa bhatak na thaba rakhi. When you have caught a bird, break its wings. Don't delay in eating rice which is ready. 128. Tree people should alurays be avatent of their work. পঢ়ে, পঢ়াই, ৰোয়ে পান, এই তিনিয়ে নিচিন্তে আন। Parhe, Farhai, roye pan, Ei tiniye nichinte an. He who reads, he who teacles, he who sows pa, These three should not think of anything else. The cultivation of the pan vine requires some attention. This is one of Dak’s sayings.. 129. Want of cordly asdom. পঢ়ি শুনি কৰিলে বিয়া, চোৰে লৈ গল ভুৱা দিয়া। Parhi shuni karile biya, chore lai gal bhuya diya. A man married afer acquiring knowledge, But he was deceived and his wife was stolen away by a thief 180. Want of tact. বাটত লগ পালে কমাৰ, দা গৰি দিয়া আমাৰ। | Batat lag pale kamar, da gari diya amar. They met the blacksmith on the road and said 6 Make a | knife for us.” .e., they expected the blacksmith to be able to make a “ d” for them when he was away from his forge. The above saying is quoted in the case of an untimely request or invitation, Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®