SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBs. | Selfishness. কাৰ জ্বৰত কোনে পিয়ে পানী। কাৰ ভাগিনা মৰে কাৰ হয় হানী। Kar jarat kone piye pani, Kar bhagina mare kar hai hani. who drinks water when another is thirsty. Whose nephew dies it is his loss. The proverb aptly illustrates the way of the world in such cases. ভাগিনা or ভাগিন is a sister's son. 94. The retard of merit. কেনে তোৰ কেনে জনি ফপৰিয়া তোৰ তিনি জনি, ভাল তোৰ এজনীও নাই। Kene tor kene jani phapariya tor tini jani, Bhal tor ejanfo nai. What a wife for such a man, The worthless has three wives, the worthy none! | As a rule, Assamese have but one wife, or two at the most, but occasionally, amongst well-to-do people of the old-fashioned class, the luxury of three wives is indulged in. ফপৰিয়া, literally scurfy. 93... Don't be too discriminating. কাকো নুবুলিব ককা। এতাইৰে দাড়ি চুলি পকা। Kako nubuliba kaka, Etaire dari chuli paka. Don't call anyone (of them) grandfather; They have all of them got white hair and beards. The proverb means that all are equally cunning, and that one must not single out any particular person and call him ককা, Univ Calif - Digitized by.Microsoft ®।
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