THE PETTY SHOP-KEEPER — LEARNING. 31 This proverb contains a double entendre, bnt it may be trans- lated as follows : He rose up and threw the net. The Ja^owa Dom has seven wives, But his bed is not large enough to contain them. ^ttl is a thin piece of bamboo used in making bamboo or wicker work, ^ttl ^1^ is a kind of fishing net. '^tl^ is literally- mat. The Jalowa Dom is the Dom who fishes in contradistinc- tion to the Halowa Dom, the Dom who ploughs. 85. The petty shop-keeper. Eda beparik jahajar batari kiya. "Why does a petty shop-keeper want with news of the steamer ? ^^ c^^tft literally a shop-keeper who sells ginger (^^1). 86. Do one thing at a time. 4 Orokate porok, Kerela to sumudi diy^ Bengena to porok. Do one thing at a time, But the her eld into the boiling rice, And then roast the bengena. c^c^^l is the Bengali "^^^^ Hindi koraila. The kerela is the momordica charantia, a very bitter kind of vegetable of the gourd family. It is a creeping plant. 87- Learning. Ojd laga bidya, Pakhi laga kar.
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